Saturday, June 27, 2009

Stronger or More Fit Than Half the Military?????

Haha... this morning hubby decided he wanted for him and I to go out for breakfast since our daughter was not home. While sitting there eating he says to me "You didn't do your challenge workout this morning". Well, I did it yesterday, so I have the weekend off... Only doing it MWF so that my muscles have a chance to rest and repair themselves from the training for the week.

His next comment... "well, you would put half my squadron to shame"...LOL. In a way, I guess that's a scary thought that his entire squadron is military so we should expect them to be fit, in shape, and strong enough to do what I have been doing... :) Sad thing is, some of the commanders do not enforce the fitness expectations the Air Force requires... though, they are getting stricter here on base...

Hope you are all having a GREAT Weekend!



One Pretty Little Box said...

Wow. First that was awesome what hubby said to you. I think you should type it out, and post in somewhere for one of those "off days" where you need a pick me up!

Second, it is sad. I sit here and think about so many things, so many ways I want to help people. Our country is in trouble, and I don't mean financially. I mean health wise, and it seems to be getting worse. I have seen so many cops in our area who could stand to lose a good 75 to 100 pounds. And as you said some of your hubbys squad is in need of improvement. What I want to know is, has our country lowered it's standards and requirements due to fear of been sued for refusing to hire someone who is unfit? Intresting.

Unknown said...

I so understand...and I agree. There is so many of the people I have seen on base who are in dire needs of changing their lifestyle, get fit, and become healthy.

There was an article just a few weeks ago in the Air Force Times I think it was that was saying how they were going to re-evaluate the PT people can't cheat anymore. How they heck do they cheat in the first place???? Hmmmm, you either run your PT test in the required amount of time or you don't... You weigh in within the guidelines or you don't... etc.

I wish America would wake up and see that there is more to life than shoving food into our face, being lazy, and just not caring enough about one's self and those that you love.