Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Walk/Run Interval Programs...

These are a couple of Intervals that I found in various magazines over the past few months when I started using the treadmill at the base gym. My goal was to incorporate them into my workouts (treadmill and elliptical), but tend to forget to take them with me so end up creating my own intervals. Anyway, I've printed them out and laminated them to index cards to make it easy to take to the gym with me...

Power Up Your Posture
Activate the abs: Contract belly inward toward spin, but don't hold breath

3 minute warm up (Intensity = 3) 2.5 - 3 mph
5 minute brisk walk (Intensity = 6) 3 - 3.5 mph
2 minute Fast pace (Intensity = 8) 4 - 4.5 mph
10 minute Brisk pace (Intensity = 6) 3 - 3.5 mph
2 minute Fast pace (Intensity = 8) 4 - 4.5 mph
5 minute Brisk pace (Intensity = 6) 3 - 3.5 mph
3 minute Cool Down (Intensity = 3) 2.5 - 3 mph

Interval 2...

TIME -----------SPEED ----INCLINE

0:00-5:00 ------ 3.0 mph ------1.0
5:00-10:00 ----- 3.5 mph ------1.0
10:00-12:00 ---- 5.5 mph ------1.0
12:00-16:00 -----3.5 mph ------1.0
16:00-18:00 -----5.5 mph ----- 1.0
18:00-22:00 -----3.5 mph ------1.0
22:00-24:00 -----5.8 mph ------1.0
24:00-28:00 -----3.5 mph ------1.0
28:00-30:00 -----5.8 mph ------1.0
30:00-35:00 -----3.5 mph ----- 1.0
35:00-40:00 -----3.0 mph -----1.0

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great idea to laminate the workout.