Monday, April 13, 2009

My Holiday Weekend...

Well, my weekend went about as well as I figured. I knew that Sunday was not going to be all that good for my eating, but Saturday was not that great either.

I definitely was NOT expecting one of our associates to bring in two big trays of goodies her mom baked for us. They were just so yummy! I must say, I was guilty of not even really trying to fight the urge... On the up side, I did stick to my water and Flavored water instead of resorting to too many bottles of Diet Pepsi.

Easter Sunday, I woke up about 6:30 and realized I forgot to put out my daughter's Easter basket, so I climbed out of bed, ran downstairs and threw it together... and of course, I had to sample one of the chocolate eggs... and a couple of Jelly Beans...

Then it was back to bed where I had planned on trying to go back to sleep since it was still early and I knew my hubby and daughter would not get up for a couple more hours at least. Well, I was wrong, and hubby wanted snuggle time, so that's what we did.

We got up and went down stairs a bit later and watched a bit of TV together before I decided to get up and start breakfast. Our usual, Sausage Gravy & Biscuits, Scrambled Eggs, and Bacon. Again, I did not hold back on the biscuits, I had two instead of the one I knew I should have limited myself too. Lunch was boiled shrimp. Dinner, Baked Ham, Baked Yams with Pineapple Chunks and Marachino Cherries, baked Brussels Sprouts, along with Fresh Veggies. I did keep my portions in check at dinner.

The afternoon was spent watching TV, reading blogs, and working on laundry. Hubby really wanted to go out for a Sunday/Holiday drive, but because he had the Duty Phone this weekend, he couldn't venture far from town... and being there is not a whole to do in town on a Holiday, not much to do...

I hate only having one day off of work each week, as I never really get a day off since I have to do laundry. All awhile, snacking on jelly beans. On the upside, DD has her basket up in her room and the Jelly Beans downstairs are now gone...

Before heading to bed, I did make a SMART move. I changed my alarm clock to an hour earlier as I knew I needed to get up and get a workout in before getting ready for work. If I want to even have a chance of at least staying at my 139 lbs for this weeks weigh in, I knew I had to make better choices today. So, I got up, got dressed and headed downstairs where I turned on the Kick Boxing Workout I had DVRd a while back. I didn't really have time to do the whole workout, so I did the first 20 minutes or so of the warm-up/cardio then skipped the last segment of cardio and did the ab workout and the cool down. So, I still got at least 30 minutes in this morning before going to work.

When I got to work, our truck was already there... at least 6 hours early. I only had one associate there to help off load it, so we were not able to get to it right away. One of my other associates called and said he was going to be 2 1/2 hours late due to an unexpected appointment. That kinda upset me as he is ALWAYS doing this. Shows up late to work, calls out unexpectedly, or whatever. He did agree to come in 2 hours early and help with the truck if we took it early so that he could leave for the appointment and then come back to work. That was better then nothing I guess. So, he got there about a half hour later and we offloaded the truck in a little over an hour. Considering it was 348 pieces at over 11,000 lbs, we did well getting it offloaded. Luckily, I did not have customers at the MPU to have to deal with.

Lunch today was good... leftovers from yesterday, in proportion to what I needed for the day at work. Dinner, however, was not as good since I ended up eating out due to my hair appointment. I did at least skip the fries and had a side salad. I forgot just how much cheese was on their Cheese/Steak/Mushroom sandwich though... I'm sure it added way more calories then I needed. I did still have about a half hour left before my appointment, so I did spend time walking around the mall. When not in the stores, it was a moderately paced walk, so at least it was some good walking. Inside Target however, it was a bit more leisure, but wasn't really looking at anything in particular for the most part, so still walking.

Well, that's been my last three days.

Sheila, thanks for all your posts today! I think that I too need help with my journey and I do need to start turning to God and asking for help. I am so totally guilty of not spending the time I should be with God. I got out of the habit of going to church years ago when hubby refused to go with me, I had moved to a new place (750 miles from my home and church within a few days of getting married) and found it hard to go into a church where I knew nobody. I think the only time I really started going to church afterward was when we were in NM and hubby was deployed after 9-11. I went with friends of ours as their daughter babysat Holly on Saturdays and she just stayed with us and I took her to church in the mornings. But I didn't exactly care for the church. Not so much the church itself, as the teachings were the same as my church back home, but because the Minster made a comment one day that really upset me.

This church is HUGE. It probably seats 1000-1500 people at each service (not including the youth mission). They were talking about Tithes and Offerings and how they were the top church in Donations to the Mission Lighthouse. OK, I can deal with that... they are probably at least 75% larger a church then any other church in the area. But, when the Minister looks out to the congratulation and asked the Accountant, "We still are number one aren't we? If not, we better up our donations". That just rubbed me the wrong way and I pretty much quit going again...

Anyway, I really really enjoy reading your posts as well as the other ladies here who share their scripture, insight, faith, etc. It really makes me think so much about things I am missing in my life... in my marriage... in my family. It makes me think, I really do need to start getting up on Sunday mornings and heading to church. Even if it's just to the base chapel here on base. Or, if I do not like it there, my boss at work is the wife of a Minister in town. I could always go to their church. At least I would know someone there who would help me to feel welcome and comfortable.

Thanks everyone!



Anonymous said...

Oh my, I sampled my son's homemade Easter basket as well... and I sampled it again today :o) shh, don't tell my son ((winks))

I used to attend a large church as well, I believe it seats over 2 thousand people and there are two services every Sunday morning. The pastor wore Hawaiian shirts and the service was 75% music.

Even though it was crowded, the fellowship was nonexistent and I felt lonely. I left immediately when the pastor joked about wanting all females to wear bikinis in all of the Olympic games (last year) and he continued to joke about lusting over women :|

Hey I even posted about it recently, maybe it will help you??

My Rock Concert Churchand

Are You Trapped?I hope that helped :) have a wonderful night sweetie!!

One Pretty Little Box said...

Lisa, you brought me to tears! My sole purpose of my blog(s) are to live "out loud" and to help draw others to him. I truly believe that God is moving ~ in our country, in blogland, and above all, in our hearts ~ more stronger then ever before.

I attend what would be called a "mega" church. Our sanctuary seats 10,100 people. That doesn't include our children ministry. Now, on any given sunday we have about 7,000 or so (give or take a few hundred), and the kids ministry runs about 1200 every week. It is BIG, and even though it looks big ~ it feels cozy like home. I went through all that to tell you, that God has a church home for you, just begin seeking and checking them out. I "went through" a few churches before I found Grace.

I will be praying for you! I know how hard it is to go alone. I am literally heartbroken every Sunday, but I know that God hears my heart ` and his desire is to see my marriage bring forth fruit that will bring Him glory.

Unknown said...

Martha, Your "Rock Concert Church" sounds soooooo much like the one I was attending in Clovis, New Mexico. I think it was called Faith Christian Family Church ...or something like that. I attended, but always wanted my home church... I am a member of the United Brethern Church of Christ back home, it's the church I grew up in, the church I was married in... Had your traditional Hymns, Traditional Preaching, right out of the bible. It is so awesome.

To be honest, the only thing I did like about FCFC was the Youth Pastor. If it wasn't for him, I would NOT have survived the 5 months after 9-11 when my husband was deployed. I had so many problems with my daughter, who was 8 at the time) so I talked to him as she loved him and his Character, RockMan (super hero character that went from church to church, from school to school not really teaching about "God" but the Morals that God wants of us.) Anyway, he used to send his Secretary to the school every Wed to pick my daughter up after school so that she could hang out with RockMan/Paster Dan. He talked to her and really helped her through the stressful situations.

FCFC was also 75% or so of today's Contemporary Music... they had the words overhead on a dropdown tv screen rather than in hymnals. I missed the traditional services, the traditional songs, etc. I longed for them too...and wished my husband would go with us. He went once, hated it and refused to go back.

Sheila, your "living out loud" is truely what drew me to your blogs. I think you initially commented on one of my blogs (You may have found it on Rhonda's Xanga page) so I checked your blog out. I was so drawn into how you are wanting so much more of your marriage, how you are determined to make it happy, your faith in God, and just everything in general you write about. It's so inspiring to me. And being that we share this weight loss journey, it just makes it so much easier to "connect" with you.

I really do appreciate all that you ladies offer each and every day in your blogs. They are so inspirational to me and I'm sure others get alot from them too... So, a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to you both...
