Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Slip Sliding Away...

Well, that's how it felt anyway heading to work today. I didn't even make it to work. It took me close to 30-35 minutes just to go 10 miles. Decided, that my life and safety was more important than going to work and having to drive home on the sheet of ice that covers the highway after dark tonight. I stopped in the middle of the turnaround, called work, and told the manager that I just was not comfortable driving on the roads right now and that I would be even more uncomfortable having to drive home after dark. It's an 18 mile drive one way, and there was no way I wanted to try after dark driving on that sheet of ice.

Two days ago, we had rain all day long. That night, we got about 2-4 inches of snow on top of all the standing water. I went to work yesterday, though the roads were bad coming home. It's been snowing all day today too. Ya know, I think that today was the first day I have called out of work for any reason since my daughter fell out of the tree house breaking her leg and wrist...and that was about 5 years ago.

I had initially planned on going to the gym this morning to try the Ab Lab class that is offered, but since the base was on a delay report, doctor appointments were cancelled, I figured they probably would not have the class at 9:15... considered seeing about the Turbo Kick class at 11:00 but then I would have missed lunch with hubby so decided against that too.

Since I did not go to work today, I did spend 40 minutes shoveling the driveway as hubby got stuck in it this morning. Initially, I only spent about 15 minutes out there. Got the drift at the end cleared away just to have a snow plow go bye 10 minutes after I came inside and leave a foot to two of snow in the drive again... So, out to do another 25 minutes of shoveling just so hubby could get in the driveway after work.

I also did some strength training today too... so overall a good day.

Today's Body Blessing...

B: Pop Tarts
L: Buffalo Chicken Salad from JR Rockers
D: Beef & Noodles, veggies, biscuits
S: Cheese & Turkey
Beverages: Water (6.5 cups) 2 glasses of Diet Pepsi
Today's Workout...

Boxer: 2 sets of 15 with 5 lb weights
Crunches: 2 sets of 25
Dumbell Shrugs: 2 sets of 15 with 8 lbs weights
Seated Torso Rotation: 2 sets of 25 with 5 lbs weights
Dumbell Side Bends: 2 sets of 15 with 8 lbs weights
Modified Push-ups: 3 sets of 5
Calf Raises on Step: 2 sets of 15
Wall Squats: 2 sets of 15 seconds
Laying Adductions: 2 sets of 25
Laying Abductions: 2 sets of 25

40 minutes total of shoveling snow...

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