Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Daily Journal Questions

OK, I've written up a journal plan to right out and keep in my book. My goal is to do this each and every day... This is my Daily Journal Questions...


1. Did I prioritize my day?

2. Did I do any Workouts?

3. What did I eat today?

4. Did I de-clutter? (Get rid of anything that does not make me uncluttered mind, home, or workspace makes you feel calm, relaxed, and happy)

5. What was my time wasters today?

6. Did I have any excuses?

7. What caused Stress for me today?

8. Did I spend time visualizing what I want in my life?

9. What are my overall thoughts/feelings concerning today?

10. What are possible obstacles for tomorrow?

11. Did I plan and prep for tomorrow?

12. Things I learned today?

13. Have I made any improvements today?

14. Name at least one thing that was really fantastic about today.

Life is Good!


Crystal said...

I really like this idea a lot. I don't know if I could force myself to be that honest yet. I guess I would probably have a lot of problems with number 6!

Making excuses is something that I really need to watch out for. Since I had such a great weigh in last week, I find myself trying to rationalize "rewards" that are really sabatoge.

Unknown said...

It is hard to be honest about them...but right now, most of my answers are not just toward my health... and some are very vague. But, I think in the long run, it will help me out alot to be able to look back and see just where I came from...