Monday, May 4, 2009

Stay Sharp With Healthy Carbs

Saw this in Prevention Magazine and thought I would share it with you.

Eating Whole Grains gives your memory a boost.

Drastically cutting carbohydrates to lose weight may diminish your memory. In a study at Tufts University, researchers asked women aged 22-55 to follow either a low-carb Atkins style diet or a low calorie diet rich in fruit, veggies, & whole grains. After 1 week of eating very few carbs, the women on the low carb diet performed, on average 50% worse on memory tasks than those on the low calorie diet. Once the women started eating carbs again, their scores improoved.


Anonymous said...

I remember reading this somewhere!! Yep, this explain the lack of my brain cells :o) and it does make sense, thanks for sharing with us and keep up the great work!!

One Pretty Little Box said...

So that explains it! LOL Thanks for clearing that up Lisa!!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Hey, I quoted that on my blog a while back, too! :-D Yep, we need to reinforce this for folks who think low-carb is the way to go!
Path to Health

Melisa said...

But I'm not doing low carb!!! Why is it that I can't ...

uh, what was I saying? :p