Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Trip through Time

Tonight before you climb into bed I want you to take a trip to the future and envision yourself after reaching your goal. First, focus on the way your belly looks, then your whole body. See how toned and firm your arms have become. Notice how your skin glows? See how your clothes will fall on your transformed body. Imagine the colors, textures, patterns, and style of your favorite outfit which you are wearing. What does the new you look like? Will you head to the salon for a makeover? New hairstyle? Makeup? See how your body moves? Is it show more confidence? See yourself walking, sitting at your desk at work, or driving your car. Envision every detail. You have to smell, hear, touch, and taste your vision. To make it a reality.

Photo: Tonight before you climb into bed I want you to take a trip to the future and envision yourself after reaching your goal. First, focus on the way your belly looks, then your whole body.  See how toned and firm your arms have become. Notice how your skin glows? See how your clothes will fall on your transformed body. Imagine the colors, textures, patterns, and style of your favorite outfit which you are wearing. What does the new you look like? Will you head to the salon for a makeover? New hairstyle? Makeup? See how your body moves? Is it show more confidence? See yourself walking, sitting at your desk at work, or driving your car. Envision every detail. You have to smell, hear, touch, and taste your vision. To make it a reality.

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