Thursday, May 28, 2009

It was a GREAT birthday...

Well, I had a really good birthday. Work was extremely busy yesterday but I was OK with that as it kept me moving and moving means I'm burning lots of calories! I did get an email at work that really upset me regarding my "problem child" associate...but in the same email it made me feel really good about myself and one of my other associates.

We had a customer complaint against the one associate I have the most trouble with. I guess he ripped the leather seats of their brand new car while putting merchandise in. He was extremely rude to the customers about it... but as usual, the managers won't fire him over it. They are going to just pay the claim.

In the email from my managers, it was noted that the same customer, however, stated that when they returned the merchandise as it too was damaged, the two young ladies that helped them unload the merchandise and load the new was very respectful and nice. As my boss says, "We know who that would be"...and he THANKED US (myself and Celina...the only two girls working receiving at the moment) for getting it right. It's always good to hear that even though there was a major issue with one associate, that the customer takes the time to recognize those that do "get it right".

That is the one thing that I can say about my job... I ALWAYS put the customer and their feelings and needs first. For instance, today, I had an elderly gentleman come in to ask about getting a service tech to his house for service on his yard tractor... I noticed he did not walk well as he walked into the Merchandise Pick-up and Service Departments, he had some really funky glasses on (looked like welding glasses, only one lens was missing) so instead of making him stand up, come over to the computer to stand while I explained to him how the in home service worked, I grabbed a clipboard from my desk, took the paperwork over to where he was sitting and I sat down beside him to explain it to him. To me, that is much more customer friendly and letting the customer know that we really appreciate their business...enough that I take there needs into consideration. I just wish my "Problem Child" would use that same attitude toward the customers he waits on.

After work yesterday, my husband met me at the mall and we went "Up The Creek" for my birthday dinner. It's our FAVORITE restaurant in town and they give any meal on the menu (except fillet Mignon) free on your birthday... even the Fillet Mignon is $5.00 on your birthday! And the food is awesome. I choose a healthy meal, but did eat some fried dill pickles.

While waiting for our meal, my hubby handed me a really nice birthday card. Very fitting to the life we have had together. Then he hands me a bag with my gifts. Oh my gosh...he is SO mean. But then, I really think he was getting even with me for harassing him on turning 40 in January.

For my gifts, I got... a tin of Memory Mints for Senior Moments (Extra Strong), A Coupon Book titled "Sex for Seniors, the how to guide for sex in your twilight years" & to top it off, he bought me a new T-shirt which he says I can use to sleep in...but I think I will wear it outside the house too as it's just too funny! It reads... "This is the HOTTEST I've been in years... flashes count right?"

As for my workouts... I did not work out at all yesterday. I was so sore from my Last Chance Workout sbefore the Sizzlin Hot By Summer challenge ended. I had done 80 push-ups (between modified and regular) between Monday and Tuesday's workouts. My arms were feeling every bit of them! Then being busy at work just added more stress to my arms. BUT, that's OK. I love the feeling I get when my arms hurt, my abs hurt, my legs hurt...It lets me know that I am doing what I need to be doing to get my body into the shape that I want it to be in. I was totally SHOCKED by my arms when I took the flexed arms shot. I knew that I was gaining muscle, I just didn't realize how much until I saw the pictures.

I received an email today from one of the Mom's on CafeMom... she had emailed me a month or so ago when I joined the local group on CafeMom for the base here... She lives just a street or so over from me. We may start walking together in the evenings or maybe riding bikes. She says she's not really big on going to the gym unless it's to use the indoor pool... that's not open year round though and will close here soon as the outdoor pool should open within the next few weeks. Even in the winter time, it's only open for swim classes and on the weekends for open swim. It will be nice to have someone to at least walk with...even if she has to take the kids on their trikes or pull them in the wagon. Just getting out and walking will be added cardio. OR, we can have my daughter watch her kids, play with them, and keep them entertained while we do our workouts... it will be fun! I just hope it happens.

Well, that's my update for the past couple of days...

Today's Body Blessings:

B: Wheat Thins & Mixed Nuts
L: Whopper with Cheese (held the mayo this time!), Small Fry
D: 3-4 oz Pork Loin chop, 1/2 cup chicken flavored rice, 1 cup broccoli/cauliflower/carrots

S: Fruit Smoothie
Beverages: Large Diet Pepsi with lunch, 1 diet Pepsi while working, apple juice, 4 cups water

Today's Workout:

2 sets of 10 push-ups
2 sets of 10 dolphin pose
2 sets of 10 sumo squats
2 sets of 25 torso twist with punch
2 sets of 25 Laying Abductions
2 sets of 25 Laying Adductions
2 sets of 25 bicycle crunches
2 sets of 15 scissor kicks
2 sets of 15 Pilates Roll-Ups
Miscellaneous hamstring stretches


One Pretty Little Box said...

Happy Birthday Sugar!!! Sounds like you had a great day~ despite the quirky gifts!Albeit your husband has a GREAT sense of humor!

I worked customer service 10 years before I left to be home to birth and take care of the twins (7 years ago today ~ AWW!!), and I have to say I miss it! BUT, in the same since I sometimes hate shopping in the "big box" stores (ie; walmart, target, etc) because the service just isn' there. In fact I am fixing to be very choosy where I shop. (I feel a blog post coming).

Unknown said...

Yeah, I totally understand what you are saying. The one thing I can say for our store... we were the #1 Sears store in the nation last year... this year we ranked in the top 20 or so... and there is still ALOT of Sears stores out there... Our Customer Satisfactions scores are almost always really good... you just can't always please every customer..>LOL. We just have this one bad apple who urks the crap out of me and he happens to work in my department but managers won't do anything about him because he's a hard worker...