Today's Weigh In...
Wow, hard to believe it's been 8 weeks already. At first, I didn't think I really saw a lot of difference but after taking my photos this morning, there IS a difference which I am excited about... My actual weight loss is only 4.2 lbs, but since I wasn't going so much for weight loss as I was toning, I am very happy with that!
Here are my BEFORE pics 4-1-2009
Here are my AFTER pics 5-27-2009...
Thanks for hosting this challenge Sheila, we've all benefited greatly from it. We've learned a lot about yourselves through the journeys of each person who participated as well as with our own accomplishments!
Good Luck to everyone in their next step of their weight loss journey to getting healthy!
Woo Hoo, look at you!! Great job. I hope to have arms like that someday. :)
I can so see a difference!! Great job!
I definitely see the difference! I too hope for arms like that one day soon. Congrats on completing the challenge and it was really nice getting to know you.
Woooow (jaw drops) you're so fit, look at those guns!!!! :o) :o) :o)
You rock my socks off and I hope to have a fit bod like yours someday soon!!!!!
Thanks for the comments ladies... I have you all to thank. With your encouragement, support, and motivation, I was able to get the motivation to work out and get that extra weight off and become more fit. I'm not done yet, so keep posted!
It's been great meeting you all too...but let's not let the end of the challenge keep us from supporting one another!
Good luck with the next step our our Journey to become healthy and fit!
Look at that TONE! You are awesome. So unfair, I've been lifting weights for a long time and still have the flabby flaps waving in the breeze. ;-)
You rock!
Path to Health
WOOHOO LISA!!! You look great! The toning is VERY visible. Big congrats, lovely after pics.
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