Sheila sent me a lovely blog award! I am honestly HUMBLED and honored all at the same time.
To make it official, I need to 1.) recognize and link back to the person who sent it , 2.) share six interesting things about myself, 3.) award seven other bloggers with the Gorgeous Blogger Award and 4.) let them know about it. In that order! LOL
Six Interesting Facts About Me
1. My father was adopted as a child. After many years of research we were able to locate biological siblings. Unfortunately both biological parents were deceased. We were given books on our family history and it states that my dad's birth mother's family line is tied to Princess Diana's mother.... as well as to Kevin Bacon. On my mother's side of the family, our line intertwines with John & Elizabeth Proctor... of the Salem Witch Trials.
2. Growing up I had a few interests in what I wanted to be "when I grow up". None of which has happened. In 5th grade, I wanted to be a truck driver...why? Because I had it in my head that kids had to do what their parents did... and since mom didn't work, I had to be a truck driver. It never occurred to me that I could be a stay at home mom! Other "interests"... a nurse (couldn't handle biology...and my grades were never good enough due to my trouble studying), beautician, secretary, accountant.
3. I have been on TV three times that I remember... first time was when I was in Girl Scouts. My troop went to the local radio station back home to be on the kids after school program. The show played cartoons but between the different cartoons, they talked to the kids in the studio. The second time was after my husband returned from overseas after 9-11. The Clovis News interviewed us on the difficulties of families being separated during war. The third time, I was caught on tape during the March of Dimes March here in Minot...
4. I love to scrapbook and tell my childhood stories. My dad and his girlfriend think I should open my own scrapbook store and teach people to scrapbook and write their own stories...
5. I took piano lessons when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade... my parents divorced and that stopped. I played clarinet in 4th grade but really wanted to play the saxophone. My parents couldn't afford it and the clarinet was given to me by the owners of the campgrounds we were seasonal campers at. In 5th grade, my mom bought me my Alto Saxophone through a rent to own program. I played Saxophone up until I graduated High School. I was never really very good at it, but I loved it. It's really the ONLY thing I miss about high school.
6. I have two all time favorite movies... the first is Grease. Why? I guess because it is such a classic. It came out when I was in about 3rd grade. I had the album (yes, album..not tape, not cd...) and it was taken to school on every rainy day in 4th grade as my entire class would spend our recess singing & dancing to Grease. My second favorite movie is The Little Mermaid. This was My niece and my all time favorite thing to do. As soon as I got to her house on my days off work, we watched The Little Mermaid...then went shopping. When she graduated High School 2-1/2 years ago, she had her family only open house in conjunction to my birthday party. She insisted we have a Little Mermaid Cake and it had to be made by our Aunt Rhoda... :)
7. I absolutely LOVE thunderstorms or storms of most kinds. I don't really know what it is about them, but I find them very relaxing to me. I remember in 1st grade, my classroom had one entire wall lined with windows. I would just sit and stare out the window during storms. There is just something about the rain, the lightening, thunder that I find so awesome. Another time, I was in my bedroom doing cross stitch when a very bad storm rolled in. My grandmother called out to me to come look out the bedroom window. I was so relaxed that I had not even noticed that the sky was green, the trees were all bent over and touching the deck & it was a torrential downpour outside. Living in FL, I went through several hurricanes and all but one or two of those actually gave me a calm peaceful feeling. Hurricane Ivan & Katrina however had me a bit worried... it was a bit too close for comfort...LOL
My 7 bloggers I want to recognize:
1. Alina over at on my way to my perfect weight! Alina is one of my co-workers and friends. She has an awesome fun personality and will be totally honest with me about just about anything. She's totally awesome!
2. Melanie over at Melonie's Monday. Melanie always makes time to stop over and leave encouraging comments on my blogs and those of Team Cupid and other GAG2009 challengers. Thanks for all your encouraging words!
3. Martha over at Fly Away Birdie. Martha has endured a lot of challenges in her life and through it all she keeps her focus on her life with God to help her remain strong. I also LOVE the fact that she is involved in Needles for the Needy where she and a couple other of her deaf friends crochet blankets for needy people.
4. Karan over at Karan's Holiday Corner. Karan aka my mom, is just an awesome mom. She's always been there for us girls. Not just my two sisters and I, but always been there for my step sisters, my nieces and nephews, and even friends in need. She works for the Department of Aging as a cook and spends many hours working with the Sr. Citizens of the county writing music and conducting Senior performances with hand bells as well as crafting with them.
5. Christine over at exquisite_Christine. Christine has been a follower and supporter of my blog since the start of the Sizzlin Hot By Summer Challange. Christine's determination, motivation, encouraging comments & enthusiasm is outstanding! I can gain so much motivation from seeing the accomplishments she has achieved in her weight loss successes!
6. Sabrina at Seeds of the Heart. I love reading Sabrina's daily pictorial blogs...seeing the pictures of her beautiful baby M... the awesome garage sale and discounts she finds shopping. I'm a frugal shopper for the most part and it's exciting to see the things she comes up with...
7. Heather over at Arcticmal's Journey. Heather's part of the team Cupid and has faithfully been over there encouraging us along with her posts as well as comments to the team.
It was fun to learn more about you.
- Lisa
Thanks for the sweet compliments and thanks for the award! ♥
Aww, thanks for the award! <3
I also LOVE The Little Mermaid! One of my fave movies. My husband bought it for me for my birthday when it came out again a few years back. Now I want the other two as well (haha). Oh, and I love storms too! :)
Thanks for sharing, it was fun to read!
Thank you Lisa for the award. You're too kind.
Thank you !!! Sorry I haven't been around posting as much lately.. but thank you for the the shout out for the award....
You are very kind!!!
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