Wow, off the top of my head, I think that my most embarrassing moment was one which happened a couple years ago while I still lived in FL.
I worked at Sears as the RTV associate...returning merchandise to the vendor that was either damaged, recalled, end of season, etc. Well, we had some pants that were going back and one of the guys asked me to hold them for him so that he could purchase them after he got out of work as they were dirt cheap...and working receiving, you never want to wear "nice" things...
Well, he kept forgetting to pay for them so I told him he had to get them before such and such a day or they had to be shipped back as they were going to Zero Value. He didn't have cash on him for them at the time, so asked if I would pay for them and he would pay me back as he was working an over nighter that night and would be leaving before the store opened. Well I agreed and bought the pants for him... Instead of leaving them in the office, I just took them home with me and left them in my truck.
The next morning, I got to work all of the opening MCA's, Cleaning Crew, and Receiving team were outside waiting for the manager to show up to open the door. As Rob was walking across the parking lot, I yelled over to him "Hey Rob, I have your pants are in my truck". As soon as I said "your pants are in my truck" I realized just how bad that sounded! Everyone got a huge laugh out of it.
Me, I'm sure I turned a few shades of red, but laughed it off as I knew it was too darned funny! Embarrassing, but funny!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Gorgeous Blogger Award ~ I accept!

Sheila sent me a lovely blog award! I am honestly HUMBLED and honored all at the same time.
To make it official, I need to 1.) recognize and link back to the person who sent it , 2.) share six interesting things about myself, 3.) award seven other bloggers with the Gorgeous Blogger Award and 4.) let them know about it. In that order! LOL
Six Interesting Facts About Me
1. My father was adopted as a child. After many years of research we were able to locate biological siblings. Unfortunately both biological parents were deceased. We were given books on our family history and it states that my dad's birth mother's family line is tied to Princess Diana's mother.... as well as to Kevin Bacon. On my mother's side of the family, our line intertwines with John & Elizabeth Proctor... of the Salem Witch Trials.
2. Growing up I had a few interests in what I wanted to be "when I grow up". None of which has happened. In 5th grade, I wanted to be a truck driver...why? Because I had it in my head that kids had to do what their parents did... and since mom didn't work, I had to be a truck driver. It never occurred to me that I could be a stay at home mom! Other "interests"... a nurse (couldn't handle biology...and my grades were never good enough due to my trouble studying), beautician, secretary, accountant.
3. I have been on TV three times that I remember... first time was when I was in Girl Scouts. My troop went to the local radio station back home to be on the kids after school program. The show played cartoons but between the different cartoons, they talked to the kids in the studio. The second time was after my husband returned from overseas after 9-11. The Clovis News interviewed us on the difficulties of families being separated during war. The third time, I was caught on tape during the March of Dimes March here in Minot...
4. I love to scrapbook and tell my childhood stories. My dad and his girlfriend think I should open my own scrapbook store and teach people to scrapbook and write their own stories...
5. I took piano lessons when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade... my parents divorced and that stopped. I played clarinet in 4th grade but really wanted to play the saxophone. My parents couldn't afford it and the clarinet was given to me by the owners of the campgrounds we were seasonal campers at. In 5th grade, my mom bought me my Alto Saxophone through a rent to own program. I played Saxophone up until I graduated High School. I was never really very good at it, but I loved it. It's really the ONLY thing I miss about high school.
6. I have two all time favorite movies... the first is Grease. Why? I guess because it is such a classic. It came out when I was in about 3rd grade. I had the album (yes, album..not tape, not cd...) and it was taken to school on every rainy day in 4th grade as my entire class would spend our recess singing & dancing to Grease. My second favorite movie is The Little Mermaid. This was My niece and my all time favorite thing to do. As soon as I got to her house on my days off work, we watched The Little Mermaid...then went shopping. When she graduated High School 2-1/2 years ago, she had her family only open house in conjunction to my birthday party. She insisted we have a Little Mermaid Cake and it had to be made by our Aunt Rhoda... :)
7. I absolutely LOVE thunderstorms or storms of most kinds. I don't really know what it is about them, but I find them very relaxing to me. I remember in 1st grade, my classroom had one entire wall lined with windows. I would just sit and stare out the window during storms. There is just something about the rain, the lightening, thunder that I find so awesome. Another time, I was in my bedroom doing cross stitch when a very bad storm rolled in. My grandmother called out to me to come look out the bedroom window. I was so relaxed that I had not even noticed that the sky was green, the trees were all bent over and touching the deck & it was a torrential downpour outside. Living in FL, I went through several hurricanes and all but one or two of those actually gave me a calm peaceful feeling. Hurricane Ivan & Katrina however had me a bit worried... it was a bit too close for comfort...LOL
My 7 bloggers I want to recognize:
1. Alina over at on my way to my perfect weight! Alina is one of my co-workers and friends. She has an awesome fun personality and will be totally honest with me about just about anything. She's totally awesome!
2. Melanie over at Melonie's Monday. Melanie always makes time to stop over and leave encouraging comments on my blogs and those of Team Cupid and other GAG2009 challengers. Thanks for all your encouraging words!
3. Martha over at Fly Away Birdie. Martha has endured a lot of challenges in her life and through it all she keeps her focus on her life with God to help her remain strong. I also LOVE the fact that she is involved in Needles for the Needy where she and a couple other of her deaf friends crochet blankets for needy people.
4. Karan over at Karan's Holiday Corner. Karan aka my mom, is just an awesome mom. She's always been there for us girls. Not just my two sisters and I, but always been there for my step sisters, my nieces and nephews, and even friends in need. She works for the Department of Aging as a cook and spends many hours working with the Sr. Citizens of the county writing music and conducting Senior performances with hand bells as well as crafting with them.
5. Christine over at exquisite_Christine. Christine has been a follower and supporter of my blog since the start of the Sizzlin Hot By Summer Challange. Christine's determination, motivation, encouraging comments & enthusiasm is outstanding! I can gain so much motivation from seeing the accomplishments she has achieved in her weight loss successes!
6. Sabrina at Seeds of the Heart. I love reading Sabrina's daily pictorial blogs...seeing the pictures of her beautiful baby M... the awesome garage sale and discounts she finds shopping. I'm a frugal shopper for the most part and it's exciting to see the things she comes up with...
7. Heather over at Arcticmal's Journey. Heather's part of the team Cupid and has faithfully been over there encouraging us along with her posts as well as comments to the team.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
What makes this weight loss effort different than any previous attempts?
I honestly think that this attempt at weight loss is different as I am much more stressed out, have to worry about hubby and daughter liking the meals that I prepare... or more so the meals my hubby prepares as he does most of the cooking since I don't get out of work until just before dinner time. We tend to eat a lot of prepared foods when he cooks. Meat is almost always grilled which is good...we always have fresh veggies and a cooked veggie on the table, but pasta, rice, or potato is almost always boxed unless it's mashed potatoes and gravy.
When I initially started this journey, my husband was in Korea for a year. It made it much easier on my food intake as I eliminated almost all of the prepared foods.. or I only limited myself to about a 1/4 cup of it maybe once or twice a week.
While hubby was gone, I also did not have to worry about interrupting his programs at night as I tried to work out... Or his coming in to "watch me" workout. I could come and go to the gym whenever I wanted (usually 4:00 as I was out of work by 3:00). Now that we are moved to a new location & he is no longer in Korea... my work schedules are way different as I don't get out until about 5:00 or 5:30... and it's a half hour drive home so can't just go to the gym after work like I used to as it's dinner time... and I don't like to go up to the gym too late in the evenings as I am too wound up to go to sleep...
Working out on my days off are good... but days I go in to work late, I don't want to head to the gym (the Y for the classes) as then I miss out on my lunch with hubby. We don't get all that much time together so we kinda cherish that time...
I'm really hoping however that my work schedules will continue to be like they have this week... I am going in to work at 7:00 and home about 3:30 or so... which will give me time after work to go to the Y for my workout...or if I don't have my stuff with me, I still have time to come home and change and go to the base gym before coming home for dinner...
I really need to make it work... and I really need to start doing my morning workouts on my days I work late... FitTV is awesome and give me no real excuse for not working out.
Time for me to head to bed so I can get up and work out tomorrow as it IS my day off...and I have no real excuse not to head to the gym!
When I initially started this journey, my husband was in Korea for a year. It made it much easier on my food intake as I eliminated almost all of the prepared foods.. or I only limited myself to about a 1/4 cup of it maybe once or twice a week.
While hubby was gone, I also did not have to worry about interrupting his programs at night as I tried to work out... Or his coming in to "watch me" workout. I could come and go to the gym whenever I wanted (usually 4:00 as I was out of work by 3:00). Now that we are moved to a new location & he is no longer in Korea... my work schedules are way different as I don't get out until about 5:00 or 5:30... and it's a half hour drive home so can't just go to the gym after work like I used to as it's dinner time... and I don't like to go up to the gym too late in the evenings as I am too wound up to go to sleep...
Working out on my days off are good... but days I go in to work late, I don't want to head to the gym (the Y for the classes) as then I miss out on my lunch with hubby. We don't get all that much time together so we kinda cherish that time...
I'm really hoping however that my work schedules will continue to be like they have this week... I am going in to work at 7:00 and home about 3:30 or so... which will give me time after work to go to the Y for my workout...or if I don't have my stuff with me, I still have time to come home and change and go to the base gym before coming home for dinner...
I really need to make it work... and I really need to start doing my morning workouts on my days I work late... FitTV is awesome and give me no real excuse for not working out.
Time for me to head to bed so I can get up and work out tomorrow as it IS my day off...and I have no real excuse not to head to the gym!
Play Lists...
I was reading through my new Self and Fitness Magazines and came across some play lists which I wrote down as I am wanting to buy a SD Card for my phone to use as an iPod... :) So because another GAG2009 Challenger has requested ideas, I'm going to share these with you all!
Kristi Yamaguchi Pilate Playlist:
"Elevation"-- U2
"Beautiful Day" -- U2
"Sexyback" -- Justin Timberlake
"Rock Your Body" -- Justin Timberlake
"Don't Stop The Music" -- Rihanna
"All for You" -- Janet Jackson
Body Confidence Playlist:
"You Gotta Be" -- Des'ree
"It's My Life" -- Bon Jovi
"Don't Stop Me Now" -- Queen
"I Run For Life" -- Melissa Etheridge
"You Are So Beautiful" -- Joe Cocker
"Baby I'm A Star" -- Prince
Maria Menounos Fit Playlist:
"Born To Run" -- Bruce Springsteen
"Rhythm Is Gonna Get You" -- Gloria Estefan
"Sweet Child Of Mine" -- Guns & Roses
"Let Me Clear My Throat" -- DJ Kool (can't read my writing on this
"Turn the Beat Around" -- Gloria Estefan
"18 & Life" -- Skid Row
Sara Hall's Running Workout Playlist:
Warm-Up Songs
"I Have Found" (Track 1): "This song reminds me of the work God has done in my life this year, and always puts me in a good mood."
"O Taste And See (Remix)" (Track 2): "It puts me in a state of thankfulness to God for how he's blessed me."
"Can I Have More of You" (Track 3): "Captures my thirst for more of God."
Songs for Running Hard
"Let it Rock (clean)" (Track 4): "This song makes me want to sprint so wildly that I don't listen to it during easy runs."
"My Dreams Will Come True (Original)" (Track 5): "My running dreams haven't yet come true, but this reminds me to keep pressing on towards them."
"Played-A-Live (The Bongo Song) (Radio Edit)" (Track 6): "Brings back good memories of Stanford days, drumming on the inside of the track at meets."
"Love Lockdown" (Track 7): "Ryan downloaded this song, and we like to dance to it in our house. The chorus always getting my legs turning over a little faster."
"Disturbia" (Track 8): "I actually thought this song was saying 'Stir it Up' instead of 'Disturbia,' and I like that better. So that's how I sing it in my mind."
"O'Saya" (Track 9): "I love the movie Slumdog Millionaire, and the soundtrack is equally amazing. The beat in this song makes me excited."
"Dance" (Track 10): "This song captures the freedom I've found in my running when God's spirit is moving me instead of striving through my own effort."
Cool-Down Songs
"I Want You Back" (Track 11): "One of my favorite songs since I was young, this always puts a smile on my face."
"Shadow of Your Wings" (Track 12): "Reminds me of a time in my life when I was struggling and God carried me through it."
"Latika's Theme" (Track 13): "In Slumdog Millionaire, this song plays in the last scene when Jamal kisses Latika's scar. I think it's a beautiful picture of redemption and how God heals the scars in our life with His love."
Kristi Yamaguchi Pilate Playlist:
"Elevation"-- U2
"Beautiful Day" -- U2
"Sexyback" -- Justin Timberlake
"Rock Your Body" -- Justin Timberlake
"Don't Stop The Music" -- Rihanna
"All for You" -- Janet Jackson
Body Confidence Playlist:
"You Gotta Be" -- Des'ree
"It's My Life" -- Bon Jovi
"Don't Stop Me Now" -- Queen
"I Run For Life" -- Melissa Etheridge
"You Are So Beautiful" -- Joe Cocker
"Baby I'm A Star" -- Prince
Maria Menounos Fit Playlist:
"Born To Run" -- Bruce Springsteen
"Rhythm Is Gonna Get You" -- Gloria Estefan
"Sweet Child Of Mine" -- Guns & Roses
"Let Me Clear My Throat" -- DJ Kool (can't read my writing on this
"Turn the Beat Around" -- Gloria Estefan
"18 & Life" -- Skid Row
Sara Hall's Running Workout Playlist:
Warm-Up Songs
"I Have Found" (Track 1): "This song reminds me of the work God has done in my life this year, and always puts me in a good mood."
"O Taste And See (Remix)" (Track 2): "It puts me in a state of thankfulness to God for how he's blessed me."
"Can I Have More of You" (Track 3): "Captures my thirst for more of God."
Songs for Running Hard
"Let it Rock (clean)" (Track 4): "This song makes me want to sprint so wildly that I don't listen to it during easy runs."
"My Dreams Will Come True (Original)" (Track 5): "My running dreams haven't yet come true, but this reminds me to keep pressing on towards them."
"Played-A-Live (The Bongo Song) (Radio Edit)" (Track 6): "Brings back good memories of Stanford days, drumming on the inside of the track at meets."
"Love Lockdown" (Track 7): "Ryan downloaded this song, and we like to dance to it in our house. The chorus always getting my legs turning over a little faster."
"Disturbia" (Track 8): "I actually thought this song was saying 'Stir it Up' instead of 'Disturbia,' and I like that better. So that's how I sing it in my mind."
"O'Saya" (Track 9): "I love the movie Slumdog Millionaire, and the soundtrack is equally amazing. The beat in this song makes me excited."
"Dance" (Track 10): "This song captures the freedom I've found in my running when God's spirit is moving me instead of striving through my own effort."
Cool-Down Songs
"I Want You Back" (Track 11): "One of my favorite songs since I was young, this always puts a smile on my face."
"Shadow of Your Wings" (Track 12): "Reminds me of a time in my life when I was struggling and God carried me through it."
"Latika's Theme" (Track 13): "In Slumdog Millionaire, this song plays in the last scene when Jamal kisses Latika's scar. I think it's a beautiful picture of redemption and how God heals the scars in our life with His love."
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Weigh In for week 8...
Well, here it is, week 8 of the GAG 2009 Challenge and I feel like I've made little to no progress... nobody's fault but my own. I keep slipping into the lack of motivation role when work gets/got stressful...when things at home are stressful, or I just plain feel warn out.
On the UP side... I have made it to the gym twice this week! I went and worked out Saturday after work... walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes then did about 30 minutes of strength training using one machine which was totally new to me... a back extension machine. I LOVED it. It felt so good on my back and also gave my legs quite the workout as I had it set at 110 lbs! I was feeling it a bit yesterday but nothing too unbearable.
Not only did I work out at the gym 2 x this week, I also did a new workout for me. Namaste Yoga. I wasn't really so sure I liked it or not. I actually prefer cardio or strength (with weights) training... but a few hours after doing the workout, I was really feeling it in my muscles. It was a good workout. Only thing I really didn't like... it's slow moving and it was on Fit TV so there was commercials and I had no clue what to do during the break. At least with cardio, I can continue with the same thing or walk in place, walk the stairs waiting for it to come back, etc... with the yoga, it's not so easy to hold a pose for the length of a commercial! LOL...
My eating wasn't too bad this week... though, my weight just seems to stick around the 144 mark each and every day. I guess it's better to maintain there than continue with an upward trend when I am not working out as I should...
Here's to another good week of working out. I need to find my schedule and start planning ahead so I can make sure I'm doing them and making time for them... :)
Today's Weight: 143.6
On the UP side... I have made it to the gym twice this week! I went and worked out Saturday after work... walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes then did about 30 minutes of strength training using one machine which was totally new to me... a back extension machine. I LOVED it. It felt so good on my back and also gave my legs quite the workout as I had it set at 110 lbs! I was feeling it a bit yesterday but nothing too unbearable.
Not only did I work out at the gym 2 x this week, I also did a new workout for me. Namaste Yoga. I wasn't really so sure I liked it or not. I actually prefer cardio or strength (with weights) training... but a few hours after doing the workout, I was really feeling it in my muscles. It was a good workout. Only thing I really didn't like... it's slow moving and it was on Fit TV so there was commercials and I had no clue what to do during the break. At least with cardio, I can continue with the same thing or walk in place, walk the stairs waiting for it to come back, etc... with the yoga, it's not so easy to hold a pose for the length of a commercial! LOL...
My eating wasn't too bad this week... though, my weight just seems to stick around the 144 mark each and every day. I guess it's better to maintain there than continue with an upward trend when I am not working out as I should...
Here's to another good week of working out. I need to find my schedule and start planning ahead so I can make sure I'm doing them and making time for them... :)
Today's Weight: 143.6
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
If I become MIA this week...
It's because I may be making an emergency trip home to Michigan as my husband's grandma is not doing well. She has Alzheimer disease and her body is shutting down. she has not eaten since Friday, her skin is cool to the touch, test reveal she is in no pain, but they are not sure she will make it more than a day or two... So I may end up leaving Thursday of Friday go home and be with the family.
I'll check in when I can if I do have to leave...
Prayers will be greatly appreciated.
Sheila, if you don't hear from me, you'll know why. Just use my last free pass next week if I'm unable to keep up.
Thank You.
PS: Read this in a Sparkpeople email I received today... another reason for all of us to get off our tushes and work out...
Exercise Keeps Your Mind Sharp
A new study from the National Institutes of Health found that the most sedentary individuals (i.e. couch potatoes) are 2.5 times more likely to develop dementia than regular exercisers. Dementia is a condition of declining mental abilities (especially memory) that affects your personality, skills (like driving a car), and verbal abilities.
Action Sparked: Stay on a consistent exercise program throughout your lifespan. Try not to view exercise as a temporary means to and end (weight loss). It is part of a healthy lifestyle, and while it does help you lose and maintain weight, it can steer off plenty of health problems, from heart disease to depression.
Time Involved: 20-60 minutes, most days of the week
Body Benefit: Healthy body, healthy mind
I'll check in when I can if I do have to leave...
Prayers will be greatly appreciated.
Sheila, if you don't hear from me, you'll know why. Just use my last free pass next week if I'm unable to keep up.
Thank You.
PS: Read this in a Sparkpeople email I received today... another reason for all of us to get off our tushes and work out...
Exercise Keeps Your Mind Sharp
A new study from the National Institutes of Health found that the most sedentary individuals (i.e. couch potatoes) are 2.5 times more likely to develop dementia than regular exercisers. Dementia is a condition of declining mental abilities (especially memory) that affects your personality, skills (like driving a car), and verbal abilities.
Action Sparked: Stay on a consistent exercise program throughout your lifespan. Try not to view exercise as a temporary means to and end (weight loss). It is part of a healthy lifestyle, and while it does help you lose and maintain weight, it can steer off plenty of health problems, from heart disease to depression.
Time Involved: 20-60 minutes, most days of the week
Body Benefit: Healthy body, healthy mind
Monday, October 5, 2009
My Baby Girl is Growing Up....
Just wanting to share with you all a picture of my beautiful baby girl...who is no so much a baby anymore. Where does time fly. I miss the days when she was little and depended so much on mommy and daddy for her everyday needs... She's grown to be so independent.
This pic was taken on Friday night as she was getting ready for the Homecoming Dance at school. I just love love love the blue on her!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Ya Might Have Missed It... LOL
Ok, so I went and posted a new blog for today...but then posted a few you might have missed the blog. Just wanted to let you know in case you missed it!
I also went through my entire blog today and posted links to the recipes I have contributed over the last year or so that I have been blogging here... with the exception of a couple...which I will probably just repost later as I've not yet made them to know if they were/are any good...
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
I also went through my entire blog today and posted links to the recipes I have contributed over the last year or so that I have been blogging here... with the exception of a couple...which I will probably just repost later as I've not yet made them to know if they were/are any good...
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Savory Onion Chicken
Savory Onion Chicken
recipe by: Julia Anderson
1/4 cup all-purpose flour, divided
1 broiler/fryer chicken cut up (I will use boneless chicken breasts)
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1 Envelope Onion Soup Mix (I will see about a lower sodium version though)
1 Bottle of Beer or non-alcoholic beer
Place 2 Tbsp. flour into a large Ziploc bag. Add chicken, a few pieces at a time, shake to coat. In a large skillet, brown chicken on all sides. Remove from pan and keep warm.
Add Soup Mix and remaining flour to pan, stirring to loosen browned bits. Gradually whisk in the beer or non-alcoholic beer. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until mixture has thickened. Return chicken to skillet. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes or until chicken juices run clear.
Yield: 6 servings
1 serving equals:
231 calories
11 g fat (2g saturated fat)
73 mg cholesterol
469 mg sodium
7 g carbohydrate
trace of fiber
25 g protein
recipe by: Julia Anderson
1/4 cup all-purpose flour, divided
1 broiler/fryer chicken cut up (I will use boneless chicken breasts)
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1 Envelope Onion Soup Mix (I will see about a lower sodium version though)
1 Bottle of Beer or non-alcoholic beer
Place 2 Tbsp. flour into a large Ziploc bag. Add chicken, a few pieces at a time, shake to coat. In a large skillet, brown chicken on all sides. Remove from pan and keep warm.
Add Soup Mix and remaining flour to pan, stirring to loosen browned bits. Gradually whisk in the beer or non-alcoholic beer. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until mixture has thickened. Return chicken to skillet. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes or until chicken juices run clear.
Yield: 6 servings
1 serving equals:
231 calories
11 g fat (2g saturated fat)
73 mg cholesterol
469 mg sodium
7 g carbohydrate
trace of fiber
25 g protein
Onion-DiJon Pork Chops
4 boneless pork loin chops (approx. 5 oz. each)
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
3/4 cup red onion, sliced thin
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup cider vinegar
3 Tbsp. brown sugar (we use Spenda brown sugar blend)..but oops, I think I forgot this!
2 Tbsp. hone Dijon Mustard
Sprinkle Pork Chops with salt and pepper. In a large nonstick skillet coated with cooking spray, cook pork over medium heat for 4-6 minutes on each side or until lightly browned. Remove and keep warm.
Add the remaining ingredients to the skillet; stir to loosen browned bits. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Return chops to pan. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 4-5 minutes or until meat thermometer reads 160°.
Servings: 4
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
3/4 cup red onion, sliced thin
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup cider vinegar
3 Tbsp. brown sugar (we use Spenda brown sugar blend)..but oops, I think I forgot this!
2 Tbsp. hone Dijon Mustard
Sprinkle Pork Chops with salt and pepper. In a large nonstick skillet coated with cooking spray, cook pork over medium heat for 4-6 minutes on each side or until lightly browned. Remove and keep warm.
Add the remaining ingredients to the skillet; stir to loosen browned bits. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Return chops to pan. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 4-5 minutes or until meat thermometer reads 160°.
Servings: 4
Soy-Garlic Chicken
6 chicken leg quarters, skin removed (I used 6 boneless skinless chicken breast, cut in half)
1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup brown sugar (we use Splenda brown sugar blend)
2 tsp. minced garlic
With a sharp knife, cut leg quarters at the joints if desired. Place in a 4-qt. slow cooker. In a small bowl, combine the tomato sauce, soy sauce, brown sugar, & garlic; pour over chicken. Cover and cook on low for 4-5 hours or until a meat thermometer reads 180°.
Yield: 6 servings
1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup brown sugar (we use Splenda brown sugar blend)
2 tsp. minced garlic
With a sharp knife, cut leg quarters at the joints if desired. Place in a 4-qt. slow cooker. In a small bowl, combine the tomato sauce, soy sauce, brown sugar, & garlic; pour over chicken. Cover and cook on low for 4-5 hours or until a meat thermometer reads 180°.
Yield: 6 servings
Veggie Tortellini Soup
5 cups chicken broth
1 pkg. (16 oz.) frozen California blend veggies
1 pkg. (8 oz.) dried cheese tortellini (I used whole wheat cheese tortellini)
1 can (14-1/2 oz.) Italian diced tomatoes, undrained (I used Italian Stewed Tomatoes)
In a Dutch oven, bring broth to a boil. Stir in veggies and tortellini. Return to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 10-12 minutes or until veggies are tender, stirring occasionally. Stir in tomatoes. Cover and cook for 5-6 minutes or until heated through.
Yield: 6 servings
1 pkg. (16 oz.) frozen California blend veggies
1 pkg. (8 oz.) dried cheese tortellini (I used whole wheat cheese tortellini)
1 can (14-1/2 oz.) Italian diced tomatoes, undrained (I used Italian Stewed Tomatoes)
In a Dutch oven, bring broth to a boil. Stir in veggies and tortellini. Return to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 10-12 minutes or until veggies are tender, stirring occasionally. Stir in tomatoes. Cover and cook for 5-6 minutes or until heated through.
Yield: 6 servings
Festive Corn "n" Broccoli
1 pkg. (16-oz) frozen chopped broccoli, thawed
1 can (7 oz.) Mexicorn, drained
1/4 cup butter, cubed
1 tsp. dried basil
1/2 tsp. salt (I omitted)
1/8 tsp. garlic powder
1/8 tsp. black pepper
In a large skillet, combine the broccoli, corn, & butter; cook over medium heat until butter is melted. Stir in the basil, salt, garlic powder, & pepper. Cover and cook for 8-10 minutes or until veggies are tender, stirring occasionally.
Yield: 5 servings
1 can (7 oz.) Mexicorn, drained
1/4 cup butter, cubed
1 tsp. dried basil
1/2 tsp. salt (I omitted)
1/8 tsp. garlic powder
1/8 tsp. black pepper
In a large skillet, combine the broccoli, corn, & butter; cook over medium heat until butter is melted. Stir in the basil, salt, garlic powder, & pepper. Cover and cook for 8-10 minutes or until veggies are tender, stirring occasionally.
Yield: 5 servings
VERY productive day...
Well, I had a VERY productive day today. A day which I have been wanting to get done for weeks now... Better late then never. And the weather is finally right for it... :)
My freezer is now stocked with foods for my lunches at work... :) I did buy a couple of Lean Cuisine meals to put in the freezer, but today I also did the following meals and froze for my lunches (which I will post recipes for later...)
Festive Corn & Broccoli (5 servings)---calories not calculated
Veggie Tortellini Soup (5 servings)---calories not calculated
Basic Hearty Vegetable Soup (12 servings)---45 calories per 2 cup servings
Onion-Dijon Pork Chops (5 servings frozen, one eaten)--- 261 calories per serving
Party Meatballs (approx. 15 servings)--- 52 calories per meatball
Soy-Garlic Chicken (12 servings)--- 201 cal per serving (as prepared in recipe, I used breast instead of leg quarters)
So, there you have productivity today... though, it started with grocery shopping (only paid 100.00 and got everything to make the above meals plus some extra lots of meals for a pretty good price. Probably about less than $2.00/meal. My fridge is now also full of fresh veggies... plus I got snacks (granola bars), cereal, and I don't recall what else...LOL.
Off to switch my loads of laundry over as I've been working on that too today!
My freezer is now stocked with foods for my lunches at work... :) I did buy a couple of Lean Cuisine meals to put in the freezer, but today I also did the following meals and froze for my lunches (which I will post recipes for later...)
Festive Corn & Broccoli (5 servings)---calories not calculated
Veggie Tortellini Soup (5 servings)---calories not calculated
Basic Hearty Vegetable Soup (12 servings)---45 calories per 2 cup servings
Onion-Dijon Pork Chops (5 servings frozen, one eaten)--- 261 calories per serving
Party Meatballs (approx. 15 servings)--- 52 calories per meatball
Soy-Garlic Chicken (12 servings)--- 201 cal per serving (as prepared in recipe, I used breast instead of leg quarters)
So, there you have productivity today... though, it started with grocery shopping (only paid 100.00 and got everything to make the above meals plus some extra lots of meals for a pretty good price. Probably about less than $2.00/meal. My fridge is now also full of fresh veggies... plus I got snacks (granola bars), cereal, and I don't recall what else...LOL.
Off to switch my loads of laundry over as I've been working on that too today!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
So So Off...
I've been so off track the last few days that it's pathetic. Thank God that today is payday and I'm off tomorrow so I can go to the commissary and replenish my health snack foods, veggies, fruits, etc. I'm also going to buy the stuff to make my soups to freeze for lunches at work since it's now starting to get cold and rainy most days... They are predicting that 4 letter word that starts with "S" for tonight though... ugh, not ready for that yet! It's still too early.
I also got a grocery sack full of fresh apples from Jackie at work... so my plan is to make some apple sauce tomorrow too. Yummy! Was wondering and may check the commissary in the morning to see if they have sugar free red hots...they would be so good in the apple sauce! I love red hot applesauce but do not want the added sugar from them...
I'm going to call it a short night I think tonight... crawl into bed here shortly and hope for a good night sleep. Not had one of those in a while either. Last night I spent half the night thinking about "POGs" or Plan O Grams from work... the reset of the children's department. I hate when I can't get work off my mind when I go to sleep. On the upside though, I am so enjoying being out on the floor working! If I could do resets/POGS everyday I would be so happy! I love doing that...
Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.. I'm hoping I get a lot accomplished so that I can get myself back on track too...
Here's to tomorrow...
I also got a grocery sack full of fresh apples from Jackie at work... so my plan is to make some apple sauce tomorrow too. Yummy! Was wondering and may check the commissary in the morning to see if they have sugar free red hots...they would be so good in the apple sauce! I love red hot applesauce but do not want the added sugar from them...
I'm going to call it a short night I think tonight... crawl into bed here shortly and hope for a good night sleep. Not had one of those in a while either. Last night I spent half the night thinking about "POGs" or Plan O Grams from work... the reset of the children's department. I hate when I can't get work off my mind when I go to sleep. On the upside though, I am so enjoying being out on the floor working! If I could do resets/POGS everyday I would be so happy! I love doing that...
Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.. I'm hoping I get a lot accomplished so that I can get myself back on track too...
Here's to tomorrow...
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Keep up the working out and you willdrop the lbs in no time. Glad your back and feeling better.
October 27, 2009 8:36 PM
I LOVE the Namaste Yoga on FitTV. But I TiVo it and then watch it so I can fast forward through the commercial. Otherwise, I guess just stretch??? But I hear ya on the what to do?? I need to get back to it though as I haven't done it in MONTHS!!
Sorry Sue forgot ya on the lies post! But look! You get your OWN post. =) Hee hee!!
October 28, 2009 10:26 AM
We don't have TiVo, but we do have the digital cable box which DVR's it... that would be a great idea for me to do. I just need to have hubby get me a box of my own as he records so many shows on his that if I get too many recorded, he can't record his games, races, shows, etc...LOL.
I used to do Fit TV all the time. I stopped paying for TV this spring though. I used to play Namaste in the mornings just to listen to the relaxing music but I wouldn't do the yoga because I hated it, my body wouldn't bend right and I had no balance! Then after *listening* to Namaste Yoga, I would be in the mood for the workout show afterwards! Lol!
Hooray for setting the weight machine to 110lbs! That's awesome!
October 28, 2009 12:16 PM
I too LOVE LOVE LOVE the soothing music they play on there. In fact, the other night when I went to bed and couldn't sleep, I was watching FitTV... I loved it when Namaste Yoga came on because that was GREAT music to fall asleep too!
good job with the weight machine! your doing great!
and I'm sure Sue's sorry her phone is dumb and she didn't get your lies post up till today... :)
October 28, 2009 12:40 PM
THANKS! It was honestly no problem that she missed them. I knew that I had to do it right away or I would forget later in the week. Sometimes I'm just absent minded and forget so wanted to make sure. When I didn't see my "lie" I thought maybe I had typed her email in wrong... wouldn't put it past me! LOL...
Jones, my phone isn't the one who is dumb, it's the user. Sad state of affairs when the machine is smarter than the operator.
But look at you trying 2 new things and crushing the OUT OF THE BOX challenge!
October 28, 2009 12:43 PM
Definitely NOT a problem! I know that taking over the challenge is a big step and lots of hard work. You are doing great!
I was actually going to do a third new thing...but when I went to the gym the other day, I didn't see the row machine I was going to try...LOL After I started in on the treadmill, I noticed it back in the opposite corner of where I was looking...LOL. Oh well...there's always my next trip to the gym!
Awesome job so far!
October 28, 2009 2:14 PM
Good Job this week. I know how if feels to be losing slowly. I feel like it is taking forever for me. Good luck this week.
October 28, 2009 5:23 PM
Thanks... I'm not letting it discourage me that it's going slow. I keep reaching my goal weight (140) but I just have trouble keeping it there. So, I'm still not that far off. I just need to get my workouts consistent and I know I that the weight will come off and stay there.
During commercials, I would just jog in place or do jumping jacks. :) and 144 is great! :)
October 28, 2009 5:32 PM
Thanks! I thought about that too... it would give me a bit of cardio in with the yoga workout. Cardio is the one thing I really do enjoy also. I didn't do it though as I kinda thought that the workout was a more relaxed feel to it and that bringing in the cardio would break that relaxation...
Lisa, awesome for making to the gym twice... good stuff for trying the back extension machine :)
Yoga? how was it??
Yes here is to a new week, keep up the good work!!!
October 28, 2009 10:16 PM