Monday, June 29, 2009

Get Fit After 40 Weigh In...

Still a tad bit over my goal weight, but overall, I'm not going to complain as I know I have really pushed my strength training this past week and not done much cardio...

Today's Weigh-In: 141.4 lbs (1.4 lbs above my goal weight)

Today's Strength Training Challenge results... I goofed up on my squats and forgot to check last Friday's set 5 so did not increase... but still a good workout.

Push-Ups: 63
Crunches: 112
Squats: 84


Martha said...

My goodness, you're almost there!! I remember the feeling I had when I finally dropped below 140's and you know what.. it was easy to sail by to the 120's :o) I can't believe that was merely 5 years ago, I'd give my left arm to weigh less than 190 lbs now! Oy, you're well on your way. Keep it up, you're my inspiration!

Unknown said...

Not really almost there... the challenge is "consecutive" where I'm at right now is total push-ups, squats, crunches in sets of 5 with varying reps per set in each of the categories... The max I have done in one set so far in push-ups is only 15 which was in the last set... Thanks for the encouragement! I'm definitely doing more than I ever thought imaginable!

Unknown said...

Honestly, I think if I was able to even hit 100 total in 5 sets, I'd be ecstatic!

Sab said...


I started trying to do this too, and never really did sit-ups before, so that is a bit harder. Pushups... I'm lucky if I hit 20. I'm past the 100 mark on squats though. I've been doing loads of squats!

Unknown said...

I don't actually do them as "sit-ups"... but rather crunches. I find it much easier on my back. Especially if I use my fitness ball. I've got scoliosis (curvature of the spine) so doing them on the floor are not always easy for me.

Way to go on starting the program too! I'm loving it, though I was dreading it this morning... just the thought of 57 push-ups daunted me...LOL

One Pretty Little Box said...

Glad to hear your doing well. My scale is stuck.... but I can see my body changing and that is better to me then teh scale moving. Hard to except, but I would rather keep losing inches! HA!NO one see's me on the scale, but lately too many have been there while I have been sporting my bikini! LOL

Unknown said...

Sheila, glad to hear you are still having NSV and the inches are dropping...just means right now you are gaining more lean muscle...which weighs more than fat in terms of mass... Keep up the great job! I've yet to put my bikini on... they have a 30,000 gallon a day leak in the base pool they are trying to get fixed so not had the pool open yet. Though, I guess they are opening the indoor swimpool for open swim & laps free of charge until the...

Melisa said...

Wow, Good for you!! So close to goal and getting stronger. Congrats!!