Friday, June 5, 2009

An Early Update...

I woke up this morning feeling totally exhausted and have no clue why. I slept pretty decent, was in bed by 11:00 and my alarm went off at 7:00 which I shut off and tried going back to sleep. My hubby walked in to say goodbye to me shortly after 7:00 thinking I was awake since my alarm was set for 7:00... I had gone back to sleep by then and couldn't fall back to sleep after his appearance so I got up, came downstairs and checked my Facebook, emails, and boards.

I initially wanted to go to the gym again this morning, but just felt too tired to go up... I did however, do a set of strength training exercises so not all is lost. I would have liked to have done 2 sets at least, but just didn't feel up to it.

I'm going to meet up with my hubby at 11:00 at JR Rockers for lunch. I will stick to my salad this afternoon, and will be taking leftovers for my dinner tonight at work. It should be an easy day at work, mostly helping customers and organizing after yesterdays trucks...

Today's Body Blessings:

B: Grab N Go Cottage Crunch, Spicy V8
L: Buffalo Chicken Salad with Ranch Dressing
D: leftover Beef tips with mushroom/onion gravy, mashed potatoes, & Fresh veggies
S: undetermined

Today's Workout:

1 set of 10 Dolphin Pose
1 set of 10 Sumo Squats
1 set of 25 Torso Twist with Punch
1 set of 10 Push-Ups
1 set of 25 Laying abductions
1 set of 25 laying adductions
1 set of 25 Bicycle Crunches
1 set of 25 Scissor Kicks
1 set of 10 Pilate Roll-Ups
1 set of 15 Triceps Kick-Backs
1 Set of 10 Lunges


Anonymous said...

Good job for staying strong at the restaurant :o) and hey I woke up sluggish today too, ah the life of a mommy aye? Keep up the great work!

Sab said...

I did NOTHING yesturday. Blech