I am honored to accept this Super Blogger Award given to me by Sheila. She has been such and inspiration to me also and I’m so glad that she found my Xanga Blog a few months ago.
Here are the "rules" with this award:
• Tape the award somewhere on your blog
• Pass it along to 5 fellow super bloggers, and comment on their blog to let them know how lucky they are today!
• When you present your Super Blogger awards, link back to the super blogger who gave it to you.
I agree with Martha, there is so many bloggers that have inspired me along during the challenge that I would love to recognize them all. Since some have already been tagged with the award, I’m going to pass it along to a few that have not yet received it also… But please know, Everyone on the Sizzlin Hot by Summer Challenge deserves this award!
So, the Five Super Bloggers I am choosing are…
Sheila @ http://singingmylifesong.blogspot.com/ Sheila’s personal blog as it was through her personal blogging that she found me (well, over on Xanga) and her words were so uplifting and encouraging I followed her over here to Blogger
Laura @ http://journeytowardsfitandfabulous.blogspot.com/ Laura always has such a positive attitude and a fellow Spark friend too… With an attitude like hers, she is sure to reach her goals in no time…
Christine @ http://exquisite-christine.blogspot.com/ With all that life has to throw at us, Christine keeps a positive attitude and works hard each and every day to reach her goals.
Melisa @ http://findingme-lisa.blogspot.com/ Melisa’s sheer determination to become healthy sure did show when she was faced with a business trip. She made the choices she needed to get her workouts in, eat healthy and keep her focus on her journey to become healthy.
Jarad @ http://www.12millionsteps.com/ What an inspiration! With 70.4 lbs already gone, Jared is working toward his own goal of being healthy and… to walk 12 million steps!
Awww thanks! :D
I found Martha through Xanga and it was my original blog platform of choice for a few years too. Glad you came to blogger tho or I would never have gotten that recipe for raw broccoli salad. ;)
Yeah, i was on Xanga and the yahoo 360 for a long time too... then went to Myspace, but don't really blog there. I've done more blogging here than I have anywhere I think...LOL. Someday I'm going to go back and print off my blogs to put in a binder for my daughter and her children to be able to read when I'm old... or maybe for me as a reminder of who I was before I totally lost my mind...LOL.
thank you sweetheart!!!
I am finally getting caught up on all the posts I've missed over the last couple of weeks (by couple I mean 2-4) yikes, has it really been that long?
Thank you so much for the compliment of an award. I may not be able to post it and pass it on until I return from vacation...speaking of vacation I should be packing instead of reading but I truly love all the great articles you always find and post for us! thank you thank you thank you
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