To make sure you are eating for nutritional needs and not emotional needs, you can use a powerful mind-body technique called vivid visualization to help you remain emotionally strong and empowered. We often use the power of visualization somewhat unconsciously, in a negative way. We tend to focus on negative concepts in life, which only only works to fulfill that negative visualization. Starting today, I want you to focus on doing the opposite. Instead of focusing on the negative, I want you to focus on the beautiful belly you want to create for yourself by using the power of visualization to help make your goal a reality.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Love & Hate
Many say that the opposite of Love is Hate. That is untrue, however. The opposite of Love would be Apathy. Love and hate are, however, very closely connected. Many times, it's the one's we love the most who cause us to become the angriest. Today, we are going to use visualization to your advantage. Close your eyes, take a deep breath through your nose, and out through your mouth. When you are completely relaxed, begin your visualization exercise.
Imagine someone whom you are having a personal conflict with. It could be a spouse, coworker, friend, or maybe even your child. Bring an image of that person to your mind. Imagine that the interaction you are having with that person is positive. Begin conversing with small talk. Now watch yourself as you confront this person about what has been bothering you. You are communicating calmly, nicely when voicing your concerns, focusing on how the person makes you feel. See how the person responds in a positive way. Perhaps they respond with "I didn't know you felt this way." You will see that by mentally preparing yourself with confrontations first, you will not feel as stressed an anxious about trying to solve the problems in real life.
Friday, January 30, 2015
When Life gives us Lemons...
We all know the old saying, "When life throws you lemons, make lemonade! With today's visualization exercise, we are going to make Lemonade. No, not really. Today we are going to learn how you can face life's challenges with more ease. Let's visualize your turning your first lemon into lemonade.
Close your eyes, breath in deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat until you are completely relaxed. Once you are completely relaxed, you will be ready to begin.
Visualize yourself jamming to your favorite tunes as you drive home from work. All of a sudden,something doesn't sound right. You hear a "clunk, clunk, clunk" coming from your car. You carefully guide your car to the side of the road, turn on your hazard lights, step out of your car and evaluate the situation. You quickly discover that you have a flat tire! You walk around to the back of your car, open the trunk and retrieve the spare tire, car jack, and lug wrench. You quickly remove the flat tire and replace it with the spare. How great does it feel having strong arms and knowing that you can change the tire without calling for roadside service? You replace the hubcap, jump in the drivers seat, and you are once again back on the road. How do you feel knowing that you can overcome obstacles that arise without warning?
Mexican Lasagna
This is one of the recipes that I use when I do my meal planning and freezer batch cooking. It is supers simple to make, good for you, and taste great! It's one of my boyfriends favorite meals. I make a batch up, divide it into 6 freezer containers, and in the freezer they will go. We pull one out, put it in our lunch box, and off to work we go. Just a couple minutes in the microwave, and you have a hot, healthy lunch.
Mexican Lasagna
- 1 Red and Orange Bell Pepper
- 1 Medium Onion
- 1 lb Lean Ground Turkey (I also will use Extra Lean Ground Beef)
- 1/4 cup 21 Day Fix Southwest Seasoning Blend or Mrs. Dash Salt Free Taco Seasoning
- 1-1/2 cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese
- 1 can Fat Free Refried Beans
- 2 Small Cans Diced Chiles
- 2 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 12- 6 inch Corn Tortillas
Dice the peppers and onions. Heat olive oil in a large skillet and add diced peppers and onions; cook until tender. Remove from the skillet; set aside.
Brown your ground meat in the skillet until almost cooked through. Add chiles to meat and cook until meat is cooked through and no longer pink. Add cooked onion and peppers to meat mixture, along with southwest seasoning and 1/4 cup of water. Simmer for 10 minutes.
Spray the bottom of a 9×13 baking pan with Pam cooking spray. Line the bottom of the baking pan with 6 corn tortillas. Spread with half can of refried beans. Spread 1/2 of the meat and vegetable mixture over the tortillas and refried beans.
Layer the remaining 6 tortillas on top of the meat mixture. Repeat spreading the refried beans and remaining meat and vegetable mixture.
Sprinkle shredded cheese evenly over the top.
Bake at 375° F for 30 minutes, or until heated through and cheese is hot and bubbly.
Makes 6 Servings
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Vacation? Who says it's a vacation...
What a week this has been. Vacation from my full time job started Sunday... I've worked two days at my part time job, the the last two days were basically spent at the Dentist office for a good part of each day. My boyfriend had 5 teeth pulled on Monday, then I was in for a cleaning yesterday. I didn't have insurance for several years, so hadn't gone in for a cleaning in about 5 years. Bad I know, but considering, I didn't have any cavities. I do have a chipped tooth that needs to be fixed, but other than that, it went well.
Tomorrow will be another meal planning day for me. I've got to replenish my freezer for when I go back to work next week. Need to make up some softer foods for my boyfriend to use for his lunches too until he is able to eat solids a bit better.
On the plan will be more chicken veggie soups, meatloaf, Mexican Lasagna. All are so simple to make and so full of flavor and best of all, good for you! Oh, and they all freeze well! I will share the Mexican Lasagna recipe soon! I need to come up n few new ideas though.
Enjoy the weekend everyone! I'm going to enjoy my last two...maybe three days off!
Tomorrow will be another meal planning day for me. I've got to replenish my freezer for when I go back to work next week. Need to make up some softer foods for my boyfriend to use for his lunches too until he is able to eat solids a bit better.
On the plan will be more chicken veggie soups, meatloaf, Mexican Lasagna. All are so simple to make and so full of flavor and best of all, good for you! Oh, and they all freeze well! I will share the Mexican Lasagna recipe soon! I need to come up n few new ideas though.
Enjoy the weekend everyone! I'm going to enjoy my last two...maybe three days off!
Monday, January 26, 2015
Unleash Your Inner Passion
During today's visualization, we are going to unleash your inner passion. We will be using the power of your mind-body connection to help you solve the emotional and stress issues that may lead you to overeating and under exercising. So, today, I want you to explore your own passion and see where it takes you. Close your eyes, breath deep. When you feel completely relaxed, you can proceed with today's visualization exercise.
Visualize yourself one year from today. Look at yourself as you hope to be. You are accomplishing with strength and vigor, all the things you wanted. Focus on what is MOST important to you and your making a mark on the world.
What does your new world look like? What new mental, physical, and spiritual powers have you discovered? What have you accomplished that you are MOST proud of? What is the one thing that was most instrumental in helping you to succeed? What helped you to face and overcome any challenges along the journey?
Keeping those thoughts in mind, step back into reality and visualize what you must do to make your visualization a reality?
Visualize yourself one year from today. Look at yourself as you hope to be. You are accomplishing with strength and vigor, all the things you wanted. Focus on what is MOST important to you and your making a mark on the world.
What does your new world look like? What new mental, physical, and spiritual powers have you discovered? What have you accomplished that you are MOST proud of? What is the one thing that was most instrumental in helping you to succeed? What helped you to face and overcome any challenges along the journey?
Keeping those thoughts in mind, step back into reality and visualize what you must do to make your visualization a reality?

Sunday, January 25, 2015
Birthday Dinner
Today's visualization exercise: Today is your best friends birthday and you have invited her over for a healthy, gourmet dinner. Are you ready to begin cooking? Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, now release. Once you are totally relaxed, you will be ready to begin your visualization.
You spent this week carefully planning the menu and purchased all the ingredients you will need for the big day. As you are chopping the last of the veggies for the salad, you hear the doorbell ring. See yourself as you open the door, and greet your friend with a big hug? She follows you to the kitchen as she comments on how wonderful dinner smells. You lead her to the dining room table, which you have set with your fine china, crystal glasses, and sterling silverware. In the center of the table is a crystal vase filled with your friends favorite flowers. See yourself serving the gourmet meal you lovingly prepared as your best friends "oohs" and "ahhs." You slowly take a bite and enjoy its amazing flavors. You continue to eat only until you are satisfied but not overly full.
When the dinner table is cleared, you dim the lights and bring out the birthday cake. Your friend blows out the candles, and you each enjoy a delectable slice. As your friend begins to leave, you box up the leftovers for your friend to enjoy the next day. She Thanks you for making her feel so special and thanks you for being such a great friend.
You spent this week carefully planning the menu and purchased all the ingredients you will need for the big day. As you are chopping the last of the veggies for the salad, you hear the doorbell ring. See yourself as you open the door, and greet your friend with a big hug? She follows you to the kitchen as she comments on how wonderful dinner smells. You lead her to the dining room table, which you have set with your fine china, crystal glasses, and sterling silverware. In the center of the table is a crystal vase filled with your friends favorite flowers. See yourself serving the gourmet meal you lovingly prepared as your best friends "oohs" and "ahhs." You slowly take a bite and enjoy its amazing flavors. You continue to eat only until you are satisfied but not overly full.
When the dinner table is cleared, you dim the lights and bring out the birthday cake. Your friend blows out the candles, and you each enjoy a delectable slice. As your friend begins to leave, you box up the leftovers for your friend to enjoy the next day. She Thanks you for making her feel so special and thanks you for being such a great friend.

Saturday, January 24, 2015
I want to go for a ride on my Bicycle...
Today, we are going to visualize a leisurely bike ride, with the breeze running through your hair, as you ride through your neighborhood. Get ready for a fun filled ride! Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. In through you nose, out through your mouth. Once you have reached a complete, deep relaxation, you will begin your visualization.
Picture yourself dressed in your spandex bike shorts and a nice, cool T-Shirt. You begin by doing a few stretches as you wait for your friend to arrive. "You ready?" your friend asks as she steers her bike up your driveway. "Yep!" your reply, "Let me go get my bike!"
As you guide your bike to the driveway, from the garage, you think about how fun it is to be able to enjoy a day riding bikes with your friend. As you and your friend pedal along, you are talking and laughing. Sometimes your ride is slow and leisurely, other times you pick up the pace and playfully race each other. You feel like a little girl again as you ride around the neighborhood, taking in the scenery and the warm sun as it shines on your face.
Picture yourself dressed in your spandex bike shorts and a nice, cool T-Shirt. You begin by doing a few stretches as you wait for your friend to arrive. "You ready?" your friend asks as she steers her bike up your driveway. "Yep!" your reply, "Let me go get my bike!"
As you guide your bike to the driveway, from the garage, you think about how fun it is to be able to enjoy a day riding bikes with your friend. As you and your friend pedal along, you are talking and laughing. Sometimes your ride is slow and leisurely, other times you pick up the pace and playfully race each other. You feel like a little girl again as you ride around the neighborhood, taking in the scenery and the warm sun as it shines on your face.

Friday, January 23, 2015
Your Inner Garden
Muscle-Making Meals
Today we are going to visualize making a delicious salad which you toss together from the vegetable garden you planted and tended to all through the spring and summer. Close your eyes as you take a few deep relaxing breaths. Once you feel completely relaxed, you are ready to begin your visualization exercise.
You have just returned home from your local nursery with everything you will need to start your own vegetable garden. You have soil, seeds, seedlings, a shovel, hoe, watering can, and gardening gloves. You slip into a pair of your favorite pair of jeans you have saved for yardwork, cover your body with sunscreen, and grab your favorite wide brimmed hat to cover your head and protect you from the hot, burning, sun.
Feel the sun as it warms your cheeks as you begin with hoeing the soil. Your arms are strong and firm from the workouts you have been committed in doing. As you kneel down to dig a whole to plant the seed or seedling, feel how strong your body feels. You provide gentle care to your vegetable garden, giving it the proper nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy. Picture how your garden will look in a few week. Now picture it after a month of loving care. Imagine the vegetables as they grow, ripen, and when they taste delicious.
Just as you tended to your garden with the proper nutrients and water, removing the weeds that slow or halt the growth of your vegetables, As you build your salad, visualize how the nutrients in your vegetables will nourish and fuel your body so that it too can grown strong and healthy.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Fitness Star of the Year
Your determination and commitment to living a healthy lifestyle has changed every area in your life in a way that is better. Not only are you happier than you ever have been, your body has become more toned, tight, strong, and lean. Today's visualization will take you to a health and fitness contest where you can show off your hard work. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax. Once completely relaxed, you will be ready to begin your visualization of the day.
You have just entered the auditorium where you will be competing for the title of "Fitness Star of the Year." You are escorted to your dressing room, which is filled with flowers and cards from your family and friends.
You change into your workout clothes that you chosen for the competition and begin doing some stretches. You are confident as your jog out onto the stage when your name is announced. The music begins and you perform your competition moves, perfectly! How does your body feel as you twist, bend, and jump? You hit your mark on your final move, and the crowd goes wild. "Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer excitedly announces, "You are looking at our Fitness Star!" How great does that make you feel?
You have just entered the auditorium where you will be competing for the title of "Fitness Star of the Year." You are escorted to your dressing room, which is filled with flowers and cards from your family and friends.
You change into your workout clothes that you chosen for the competition and begin doing some stretches. You are confident as your jog out onto the stage when your name is announced. The music begins and you perform your competition moves, perfectly! How does your body feel as you twist, bend, and jump? You hit your mark on your final move, and the crowd goes wild. "Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer excitedly announces, "You are looking at our Fitness Star!" How great does that make you feel?
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
A Day at the Dog Park
Tonights visualization: it is a beautiful summer day and your friend calls for you to accompany her and fido to the dog park for a day of sunshine and playing around. Let's begin with a few deep, relaxing breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Once completely relaxed, begin your visualization.
Being active is your way of life. Feel the enjoyment from deep inside that comes from spending the day being active outside. You put on your ball cap, grab a water bottle from the fridge, as you walk out your door, you notice your friend and her dog approaching your house.
The three of you walk the mile to the local dog park, talking and laughing as you take each step. As you enter the park, you stop at the water fountain to refill your bottle and take a nice long refreshing sip. The water hits the spot! You walk toward the large open lawn. You and your friend grab a Frisbee and begin to throw it as Fido catches it and returns it to you... You spend the whole afternoon running and playing in the park. How does it feel to be able to run, jump, and play like a child?
Being active is your way of life. Feel the enjoyment from deep inside that comes from spending the day being active outside. You put on your ball cap, grab a water bottle from the fridge, as you walk out your door, you notice your friend and her dog approaching your house.
The three of you walk the mile to the local dog park, talking and laughing as you take each step. As you enter the park, you stop at the water fountain to refill your bottle and take a nice long refreshing sip. The water hits the spot! You walk toward the large open lawn. You and your friend grab a Frisbee and begin to throw it as Fido catches it and returns it to you... You spend the whole afternoon running and playing in the park. How does it feel to be able to run, jump, and play like a child?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Class Reunion
Tonights visualization: let's go on a trip back through time. A trip back to highschool, where you will see all the faces you haven't seen in years. It is time for your high school reunion and you can't wait to show off how slim, healthy, and happy you are. Now close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and feel yourself begin to relax. Once you feel completely relaxed envision yourself getting dressed. Imagine why you will be wearing, what shoes you choose to wear, the jewelry you will wear, how you will wear your hair and makeup, and how you feel when you look in the mirror. You look fantastic and feel great!
As you approach the entry to the banquet hall, take a deep breath and confidently walk into the room. Who are the first people you see from high school? What do they say to you? Hear the compliments being given by your classmates and tell them how terrific you feel.
Before the party comes to a close, see the class group together for a class photo. See yourself standing tall, lean, and confident among your high school Classmates.
As you approach the entry to the banquet hall, take a deep breath and confidently walk into the room. Who are the first people you see from high school? What do they say to you? Hear the compliments being given by your classmates and tell them how terrific you feel.
Before the party comes to a close, see the class group together for a class photo. See yourself standing tall, lean, and confident among your high school Classmates.

Monday, January 19, 2015
More Meal Prep Recipes
Meal prepping helps keep my on track with my nutrition and ensures that I always have something healthy in the refrigerator and freezer so that I won't have to stop at McDonald's or Burger King on my lunch break at work.
1½ to 2 lbs Beef Round Steak or beef cubes
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
¼ cup low sodium Soy Sauce or Liquid Aminos
1 cup chopped onion
1 garlic clove minced
1 tsp sugar
These are three of my favorite meals to prepare. Actually, 4 when you consider one recipe can create two separate meals. Yet, the Crockpot Salsa Chicken is very versatile also. And they go together quick with very little effort.
1-1/2 lb. lean ground beef
1-1/2 lb. lean ground turkey
2 eggs
1 stalk celery, finely diced
1 carrot, finely diced
1 small onion, finely diced
1 bell pepper, finely diced
1 small zucchini, diced
1 small summer squash, diced
1 small zucchini, diced
1 small summer squash, diced
handful spinach/kale/chard blend, chopped
1/2 cup dried rolled oats
McCormick's Meatloaf Seasoning Mix, to taste (Recipe following Meatloaf/Meatball recipe)
McCormick's Meatloaf Seasoning Mix, to taste (Recipe following Meatloaf/Meatball recipe)
Organic Ketchup
Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. At this point, I roll half the mixture into balls approximately 1/2-3/4 cup each and place each ball into a jumbo muffin tin. The other half I shape into a loaf and place into a loaf pan or on a baking dish with high edges so grease does not run over sides of pan. Top each meatball with a dollop of ketchup. Squirt ketchup on top of meat loaf. Bake in preheated oven set to 350° F for 1 hour or until cooked through.
Homemade version of McCormick's Meatloaf Seasoning Mix
2 tsp. dried mustard
2 tsp. paprika
1-1/2 tsp. salt (I use Pink Himalayan)
1-1/2 tsp. thyme
1-1/2 tsp. basil
1 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
Combine all ingredients into a zip lock baggie or jar.
Homemade version of McCormick's Meatloaf Seasoning Mix
2 tsp. dried mustard
2 tsp. paprika
1-1/2 tsp. salt (I use Pink Himalayan)
1-1/2 tsp. thyme
1-1/2 tsp. basil
1 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
Combine all ingredients into a zip lock baggie or jar.
Crockpot Salsa Chicken
1 jar Amy's Organic Salsa with black beans and corn
3 boneless skinless chicken breast
Place chicken in bottom of Crockpot, pour salsa over top. Cover and cook on low 4-6 hours. When chicken is cooked through, remove from Crockpot, shred chicken and then add back into salsa. Stir well to combine.
My favorite way to use the Crockpot Salsa Chicken is to make tostadas. Bake corn shells until crisp, spread refried beans on top of shells, layer with Salsa Chicken, diced tomatoes, diced onions, shredded cheese and salsa, or toppings of choice.
Salsa Chicken can also be used to top a salad, make chicken tacos, chicken enchiladas, or even make a wrap for lunch or dinner.
Crockpot Pepper Steak
1½ to 2 lbs Beef Round Steak or beef cubes
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
¼ cup low sodium Soy Sauce or Liquid Aminos
1 cup chopped onion
1 garlic clove minced
1 tsp sugar
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
¼ tsp ground ginger
1 can (16 oz) diced tomatoes
1 green bell pepper and 1 red or yellow bell pepper cut into strips
½ cup cold water
1 tbsp cornstarch
Cut beef into 3 x 1 inch strips. Brown in oil in skillet. Transfer to slow cooker. Mix the next 7 ingredients and pour over the beef. Cook on low for 5-6 hours or until meat is tender. Add tomatoes and peppers and cook on low for about an hour longer. Then mix the cold water and cornstarch and stir in and cook on high until sauce thickens.
¼ tsp pepper
¼ tsp ground ginger
1 can (16 oz) diced tomatoes
1 green bell pepper and 1 red or yellow bell pepper cut into strips
½ cup cold water
1 tbsp cornstarch
Cut beef into 3 x 1 inch strips. Brown in oil in skillet. Transfer to slow cooker. Mix the next 7 ingredients and pour over the beef. Cook on low for 5-6 hours or until meat is tender. Add tomatoes and peppers and cook on low for about an hour longer. Then mix the cold water and cornstarch and stir in and cook on high until sauce thickens.
Grocery Shopping Tip: Buy organic when possible with canned goods. You want no added salts and no added sugars. You definitely do not wanted artificial sweeteners or preservatives. When looking at the ingredients list, it should be things that you can pronounce, and 5 ingredients or less.
Meal Prep Day, Spice Blends, and Homemade Mayonnaise style...
Today is another day off work, which means. It's meal prep day! I love my meal prep days. I find it very relaxing and it's a great feeling knowing that I am doing something that will benefit my overall health.
Today's meal prep is actually going to be simple. I will be mixing up new batches of salad dressing, salt free seasoning blends, and I found a recipe to make homemade mayonnaise I want to try. I really don't use a lot of mayo, but there is times I want to make an egg or tuna salad, and traditional store bought mayo just isn't really healthy for you. You can read more about why mayonnaise is unhealthy here:
On the meal prep menu today:
21 Day Fix Smokey Southwest Seasoning Blend
21 Day Fix Mediterranean Seasoning Blend
21 Day Fix All Purpose Seasoning Blend
21 Day Fix Asian Citrus Vinaigrette (update: didn't get this one made)
Homemade Mayonnaise from
And, I may possible make up a Roast Seasoning Blend from
Well, I ended up having to make a batch of Chili powder too, as I didn't realize I didn't have any. However, I had all the spiced needed to make my own. So, I got all my spices made up tonight. The Ranch mix and the Salt Free Seasoning, are both batches I made previously but man are they good! Mix a bit of the ranch into my homemade Greek Yogurt and you have a nice little veggie dip, or add a bit of milk to the yogurt, ranch mix and you have a dressing for your salad.
What is your favorite meal prep meals, spices blends, or condiments? Share in the comments below!
Today's meal prep is actually going to be simple. I will be mixing up new batches of salad dressing, salt free seasoning blends, and I found a recipe to make homemade mayonnaise I want to try. I really don't use a lot of mayo, but there is times I want to make an egg or tuna salad, and traditional store bought mayo just isn't really healthy for you. You can read more about why mayonnaise is unhealthy here:
On the meal prep menu today:
21 Day Fix Smokey Southwest Seasoning Blend
21 Day Fix Mediterranean Seasoning Blend
21 Day Fix All Purpose Seasoning Blend
21 Day Fix Asian Citrus Vinaigrette (update: didn't get this one made)
Homemade Mayonnaise from
And, I may possible make up a Roast Seasoning Blend from
Well, I ended up having to make a batch of Chili powder too, as I didn't realize I didn't have any. However, I had all the spiced needed to make my own. So, I got all my spices made up tonight. The Ranch mix and the Salt Free Seasoning, are both batches I made previously but man are they good! Mix a bit of the ranch into my homemade Greek Yogurt and you have a nice little veggie dip, or add a bit of milk to the yogurt, ranch mix and you have a dressing for your salad.
What is your favorite meal prep meals, spices blends, or condiments? Share in the comments below!
The Bright Star that Shines
Tonight's visualization. Close your eyes, take a few deep relaxing breaths and see yourself dressed up in your best formal attire. Tonight, you are going to be the bright star that shines at a formal affair! You are going to wear that little black dress you have saved and tucked away in the back of your closet for when you have the body to show off.
Now that you are relaxed, visualize yourself getting ready for your special occasion. As you take your dress out of the closet, drape it over the front of your body. Feel the excitement inside yourself as you finally will be wearing it. Lay the dress on your bed and visualize every detail about it. Then pick it up and slide it over your body. Feel to soft silky material as it falls evenly over your body. Put on your heels and look at yourself in the mirror. See how flat your stomach is and nothing bulges. Now fast forward and view yourself at your big event. See yourself gliding around on the ballroom floor? Sense all of the eyes are watching your every move. You are confident and looking amazing. Dance the night away and enjoy it!
Now that you are relaxed, visualize yourself getting ready for your special occasion. As you take your dress out of the closet, drape it over the front of your body. Feel the excitement inside yourself as you finally will be wearing it. Lay the dress on your bed and visualize every detail about it. Then pick it up and slide it over your body. Feel to soft silky material as it falls evenly over your body. Put on your heels and look at yourself in the mirror. See how flat your stomach is and nothing bulges. Now fast forward and view yourself at your big event. See yourself gliding around on the ballroom floor? Sense all of the eyes are watching your every move. You are confident and looking amazing. Dance the night away and enjoy it!

Sunday, January 18, 2015
Nurturing Your Inner Motivation
Today I want to nurture your inner motivation with a special visualization exercise. Today, you will be reuniting with a very special close friend who has not seen you in many years. Close your eyes as your begin to take deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Feel the relaxation take over your body.
See yourself pull into the parking garage at the airport to pick up an old friend. As you glance into the rearview mirror, notice a happier, healthier, and younger you. A you that you have not seen in a while. Feel how strong your body has become as you climb them...two at a time. Feel how exhilarating it is to move quickly without having to stop and catch your breath! You make it to the gate just as your friend exits the plane. She brushes past you, not recognizing you. You call her name and say "It's me!" Your friend turns around, amazed by the person she sees before her! "You look amazing! How do you do it?" You smile big, feeling great about yourself...
See yourself pull into the parking garage at the airport to pick up an old friend. As you glance into the rearview mirror, notice a happier, healthier, and younger you. A you that you have not seen in a while. Feel how strong your body has become as you climb them...two at a time. Feel how exhilarating it is to move quickly without having to stop and catch your breath! You make it to the gate just as your friend exits the plane. She brushes past you, not recognizing you. You call her name and say "It's me!" Your friend turns around, amazed by the person she sees before her! "You look amazing! How do you do it?" You smile big, feeling great about yourself...

Saturday, January 17, 2015
It's A Glorious Summer Day
Today's visualization exercise: I know its become cooler outside, the wind is blowing, rain has fallen and for some, a blanket of snow covers the ground. However, I would like for you to take the next few minutes to envision that it is a glorious summer day filled with sunshine and warm summer breezes. It is a perfect day to hit the beach with your friends during this visualization exercise. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Allow each breath to bring you into a deeper state of relaxation. When you feel completely relaxed, you will be ready to begin your vivid visualization exercise.
You haven't been to the beach in years because you didn't feel comfortable with your appearance, embarrassed of how you looked in a swimsuit. But not today! Today, you want to go to the beach with your friends. You now know you have a beautiful figure. You have beautiful abdominals so you slip into your new bikini and meet your friends at the beach. Once you arrive you bury your toes in the hot sand and let out a deep sigh of delight. As you remove your coverup, lay out your beach towel, you feel confident and beautiful. You feel the warmth of the sun's rays as it hits your back. One of your friends comment on how great you look. You reply with a heartfelt "thank you" and share how great you feel. You spend the afternoon catching up with your friends and enjoy body surfing the waves.
You haven't been to the beach in years because you didn't feel comfortable with your appearance, embarrassed of how you looked in a swimsuit. But not today! Today, you want to go to the beach with your friends. You now know you have a beautiful figure. You have beautiful abdominals so you slip into your new bikini and meet your friends at the beach. Once you arrive you bury your toes in the hot sand and let out a deep sigh of delight. As you remove your coverup, lay out your beach towel, you feel confident and beautiful. You feel the warmth of the sun's rays as it hits your back. One of your friends comment on how great you look. You reply with a heartfelt "thank you" and share how great you feel. You spend the afternoon catching up with your friends and enjoy body surfing the waves.

Friday, January 16, 2015
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Tuna Patties
While surfing my 21 Day Fix boards I follow on Facebook, someone posted a tuna patty recipe. That got me to thinking. I LOVE tuna patties, but the recipe I always used was not going to be clean or healthy. Since I had a few cans in my pantry, I decided to make up my own for dinner tonight whith what I had on hand. They were FANTABULOUS if I do say so and simple to make up.
Tuna Patties
2 5-oz cans of tuna, in water, drained.
1 small onion, chopped (about a 1/4 cup)
1/3 cup raw old fashioned oatmeal
1/2 Tbsp. Penzey's Fines Herbes Seasoning blend
1/8 tsp. Penzey's Crushed Red Pepper
1 egg (or two egg whites)
Pink Himalayan Salt and Black Pepper to taste, optional (I used just pepper)
Lemon Juice
In medium sized bowl, combine the drained tuna, chopped onion, oatmeal, Fines Herbes Seasoning blend, crushed red pepper, and eggs until mixed well. Shape into 4 patties, season with salt and pepper and additional crushed red pepper if desired. I like spicy, so I added extra!
Cook in fry pan sprayed with a bit of non-stick cooking spray until browned on both sides and heated through.
Sprinkle lemon juice on top when serving.
Yields: 4 patties or 2 - 21 Day Fix approved Servings.
A Trip through Time
Tonight before you climb into bed I want you to take a trip to the future and envision yourself after reaching your goal. First, focus on the way your belly looks, then your whole body. See how toned and firm your arms have become. Notice how your skin glows? See how your clothes will fall on your transformed body. Imagine the colors, textures, patterns, and style of your favorite outfit which you are wearing. What does the new you look like? Will you head to the salon for a makeover? New hairstyle? Makeup? See how your body moves? Is it show more confidence? See yourself walking, sitting at your desk at work, or driving your car. Envision every detail. You have to smell, hear, touch, and taste your vision. To make it a reality.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
It's the Small Things In Life
Yesterday during my meal prep, I decided to make up a batch of chicken and veggie soup for my boyfriend to take to work for his lunches. It's been pretty cold here in Michigan the last couple of weeks. Even reaching below zero wind chill. Needless to say, I wanted to have something that would help take the chill off on cold days.
Tonight, my boyfriend text me from work (I too was at work) just to tell me "Soup is delicious. One of the best things you have ever made." It's the little words of appreciation that make me want to keep doing the "small things". Doug used to tell me, "You don't have to fix me dinner (breakfast, lunch, etc.)" and I basically responded with "Well, I gotta eat, so you might as well eat too."
Over the past three years, I have cooked for him, prepared him lunches for work, made breakfast on the mornings we are home together. Each time he tells me, "You take such good care of me" or "I haven't been this well taken care of since I was a teenager when my mom cooked for me". It is his deep appreciation that really helps me to enjoy cooking. I never really did in the past. I didn't feel appreciated. Things weren't what the family wanted, they didn't like it or whatever the case was. I love how the small things are so important to my boyfriend and myself (he is probably MORE thoughtful than I am).
Since Doug says this is the best thing I have ever cooked him, I thought I would share the "recipe" with you. I really just, more or less, threw it together. I based it off the recipe my cousin's wife shared, but knowing Doug would not eat the spinach and mushrooms which were in the batch I made for myself, I swapped out the veggies.
Tonight, my boyfriend text me from work (I too was at work) just to tell me "Soup is delicious. One of the best things you have ever made." It's the little words of appreciation that make me want to keep doing the "small things". Doug used to tell me, "You don't have to fix me dinner (breakfast, lunch, etc.)" and I basically responded with "Well, I gotta eat, so you might as well eat too."
Over the past three years, I have cooked for him, prepared him lunches for work, made breakfast on the mornings we are home together. Each time he tells me, "You take such good care of me" or "I haven't been this well taken care of since I was a teenager when my mom cooked for me". It is his deep appreciation that really helps me to enjoy cooking. I never really did in the past. I didn't feel appreciated. Things weren't what the family wanted, they didn't like it or whatever the case was. I love how the small things are so important to my boyfriend and myself (he is probably MORE thoughtful than I am).
Since Doug says this is the best thing I have ever cooked him, I thought I would share the "recipe" with you. I really just, more or less, threw it together. I based it off the recipe my cousin's wife shared, but knowing Doug would not eat the spinach and mushrooms which were in the batch I made for myself, I swapped out the veggies.
Chicken and Vegetable Soup
3 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
Water, enough to cover chicken
Celery, chopped
Onion, sliced
Basil, to taste
Garlic Powder (I used refrigerated minced garlic), to taste
Vegetable Mix (I used bag of frozen peas, carrots, corn, green beans)
Cabbage, coarsely chopped
Can of Chicken Broth
Himalayan Salt, to taste
Black Pepper, to taste
Black Pepper, to taste
Place chicken in a stockpot and cover well with water. Season to taste with Garlic and Basil. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until chicken is cooked through.
Remove chicken and reserve the broth it created. With two forks, shred the chicken and return it to the stock pot containing broth, add vegetables, can of broth, and additional seasonings. Cook until carrots and veggies are tender.
Note: When I created this, I left celery in stalks and just cut onion into quarters. My boyfriend does not like them, so I used to just flavor the broth while cooking the chicken then removed them when shredding chicken before adding the remaining veggies. You can absolutely cut them smaller and leave them in the soup.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Meal Prep Day
I have found that the best way for me to stay on track with my healthy eating, and keeping portions under control is for me to do a weekly meal prep on one of my days off of work. I don't do my meal prep like most anyone else I know. I need total convenience. I need to open my freezer and be able to pull out a complete meal as I walk out the door for work in the morning. I need meals ready for my boyfriend, so that he too can grab a meal from the freezer and walk out the door in the afternoon. We work opposite shifts, so our meals together are very limited and he doesn't eat properly if it's left to him.
This is how my freezer looks on a constant basis...

Each meal is portioned out to be 21 Day Fix approved, so that we can easily track our allotted containers for the day. On the 21 Day Fix, I am in the lowest bracket and am allowed 3 Green containers, 2 Purple containers, 4 Red containers, 2 Yellow containers, 1 Blue container, 1 Orange container, 2 tsp.
By having my meals planned out and ready to just grab and run out the door with it, I know I am setting myself as well as my boyfriend up for a successful journey of regaining our health and fitness. By having these healthy "TV Dinners" ready, there is no excuse as to why we can't eat healthy. There is no reason that we will need to head to the local greasy spoon or fast food restaurant to eat. There is no good reason that we shall fail.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions on how I prepare my meals. In all honesty, It does not take as long as people seem to think it should. I might spend 3 hours a week preparing meals. Most of them can be done in the Crockpot or slow cooked in the oven so very little time is actually spent "cooking".
This is how my freezer looks on a constant basis...
Inside you will find baked chicken breast with a veggie and usually a seasoned rice, pepper steak, Bret Johnson's Chili, (Bret is the husband of Chalene Johnson, the creator of TurboFire, PiYo, and several other workout programs), un-stuffed peppers, un-stuffed cabbage rolls, Crockpot salsa chicken, Mexican lasagna, meatloaf and meatballs that are chock full of veggies, fajita bowls, and today's addition was a chicken veggie soup, and a made up recipe I created using leftover quinoa, peppers, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, and some of the meatballs which were prepped already.

Each meal is portioned out to be 21 Day Fix approved, so that we can easily track our allotted containers for the day. On the 21 Day Fix, I am in the lowest bracket and am allowed 3 Green containers, 2 Purple containers, 4 Red containers, 2 Yellow containers, 1 Blue container, 1 Orange container, 2 tsp.
By having my meals planned out and ready to just grab and run out the door with it, I know I am setting myself as well as my boyfriend up for a successful journey of regaining our health and fitness. By having these healthy "TV Dinners" ready, there is no excuse as to why we can't eat healthy. There is no reason that we will need to head to the local greasy spoon or fast food restaurant to eat. There is no good reason that we shall fail.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions on how I prepare my meals. In all honesty, It does not take as long as people seem to think it should. I might spend 3 hours a week preparing meals. Most of them can be done in the Crockpot or slow cooked in the oven so very little time is actually spent "cooking".
Friday, January 9, 2015
My brain is working.... it's wandering around, trying to come up with ideas to create a NEW challenge for myself and anyone who would like to join me. I've been going through old posts, old challenges I've done, and new stuff I have found while surfing the Team Beachbody groups and pages. I need motivation and encouragement to make my goals a reality. A challenge is always a big motivation and pushes me toward my own personal goal.
I'm working on setting up my day planner so that I can schedule myself and appointment to workout. Make it a priority in my life, I want to create daily themes to help myself and others, help ourselves improve our lives both physically and emotional. To do things nice for others and not just ourselves.
If you were to take take on a challenge, what would it be? Share your ideas in the comments below. What areas would motivate and encourage you?
If I want to see changes in my life, I need to make changes. So CHANGES is what it will be!
Have a GREAT day!
I'm working on setting up my day planner so that I can schedule myself and appointment to workout. Make it a priority in my life, I want to create daily themes to help myself and others, help ourselves improve our lives both physically and emotional. To do things nice for others and not just ourselves.
If you were to take take on a challenge, what would it be? Share your ideas in the comments below. What areas would motivate and encourage you?
If I want to see changes in my life, I need to make changes. So CHANGES is what it will be!
Have a GREAT day!
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Going to attempt Blogging Again...
It has been YEARS since I have been here on my blog. Many, many changes have happened since my last posts.
I don't want to go into detail of the last 5 years, however, due to so much stress, working two jobs to make ends meet, etc. I gained back all plus some of the weight I had lost on my previous attempts at losing weight. I got a new phone and when Verizon updated my phone, it brought up photos from my blog page, I had not seen in YEARS! Man, I wanna get back to what I had accomplished with my health and fitness then.
This time, however, I am going to do it even healthier than before! Yep, if you were to go back and check out my posts from 5-6 years ago, you would see, I was slim, had very good muscle tone, etc. But when you look at my diet, my meals, the foods I ate... It was NOT healthy! I was consuming limited calories (kept them between 1200-1400 calories) but they were not CLEAN, Whole foods.
Since moving home, I joined Beachbody as a coach. My first program I bought and completed was The 21 Day Fix. It was amazing and I (along with my boyfriend) had AMAZING results! I have lost 24 lbs, he has lost 34 lbs. The first two rounds we were totally dedicated to the meal plans and the workouts. Since then, we have slacked a bit on the workouts due to busy schedules over the last few months, but we are getting back into it. We did however, maintain our healthy eating overall. With a few exceptions between the holidays. Hard to resist those temptations.
My goals for this year are to get back on track with my health and fitness routines as I was 5 years ago. When I was totally dedicated to being healthy (or what I thought was healthy) and fit. I want to get back into my journaling my progress and share my health and fitness tips to those who want and need them. I want to share more recipes, fitness posts, and whatever I feel will benefit not only myself, my boyfriend, but anyone else who follows my journey.
Since it has been a while since I have blogged, I'm sure there is or has been a lot of changes to the site. I'll have to learn that as I go...along with a lot of other Social Media stuff... It all just keeps changing!
Stay Tuned! I wanna Rock my fitness journey and share it all with you!
I don't want to go into detail of the last 5 years, however, due to so much stress, working two jobs to make ends meet, etc. I gained back all plus some of the weight I had lost on my previous attempts at losing weight. I got a new phone and when Verizon updated my phone, it brought up photos from my blog page, I had not seen in YEARS! Man, I wanna get back to what I had accomplished with my health and fitness then.
This time, however, I am going to do it even healthier than before! Yep, if you were to go back and check out my posts from 5-6 years ago, you would see, I was slim, had very good muscle tone, etc. But when you look at my diet, my meals, the foods I ate... It was NOT healthy! I was consuming limited calories (kept them between 1200-1400 calories) but they were not CLEAN, Whole foods.
Since moving home, I joined Beachbody as a coach. My first program I bought and completed was The 21 Day Fix. It was amazing and I (along with my boyfriend) had AMAZING results! I have lost 24 lbs, he has lost 34 lbs. The first two rounds we were totally dedicated to the meal plans and the workouts. Since then, we have slacked a bit on the workouts due to busy schedules over the last few months, but we are getting back into it. We did however, maintain our healthy eating overall. With a few exceptions between the holidays. Hard to resist those temptations.
My goals for this year are to get back on track with my health and fitness routines as I was 5 years ago. When I was totally dedicated to being healthy (or what I thought was healthy) and fit. I want to get back into my journaling my progress and share my health and fitness tips to those who want and need them. I want to share more recipes, fitness posts, and whatever I feel will benefit not only myself, my boyfriend, but anyone else who follows my journey.
Since it has been a while since I have blogged, I'm sure there is or has been a lot of changes to the site. I'll have to learn that as I go...along with a lot of other Social Media stuff... It all just keeps changing!
Stay Tuned! I wanna Rock my fitness journey and share it all with you!
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