Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nothing To Loose Pledge

So, I've had an awesome week of working out...and it's not over yet!

As I mentioned in my previous posts, I have rejoined Curves Fitness Centers for Women. I have done a lot of exploring over their website and found the current challenge and am taking on this challenge for the Holidays. Being I joined late, my 10 weeks will fall well beyond the Holidays, but that's OK!

By signing this pledge, I have made a promise to myself that I will continue to live my healthy lifestyle over the holiday season. This is what I am pledging to do...

1. Continue to work out at Curves- 3x a week EVERY WEEK

2. Stretch after my workout- increases the effectiveness by as much as 19%

3. Pay attention to serving sizes- healthy portions fit into the palm of my hand!

4. Have a healthy, fiber rich snack before holiday parties- reduces what I inhale!

5. Move more & Sit less- why sit when I can stand, why stand when I can walk?!?!

6. Relax- Enjoy a bubble bath, listen to music, take a walk... or whatever I find that helps de-stress!

So far this week, I have worked out 6 times! 2 regular Curves Workout, 1 Curves Kickbutt Cardio workout, 2 aerobic classes at Church, and 1 10-jump start cardio workout from And that does not even count all the stretches, crunches, and what not that I have done at home while watching TV, playing on the computer, etc...

I'm off to a good start with my to get my eating portions under control. Starting RIGHT NOW I will do better!

On Tuesday when I went to the Friends For Fitness Class, I was walking with the instructor (who has been teaching this class now for over 20 years, a member of the church... I even remembered her from when I went there as a child/teen). I explained how stressful my life has been, how I joined Curves a few years ago and learned everything I could about living a healthy lifestyle. And told her that my dream is to become a personal trainer myself once I get through my divorce and get my mindset where it needs to be for me to do this.

Today, I come in and she hands me a paper to fill out for the class and also handed me a booklet on the certification and degrees offered by NETA. This is where she got her class instructor certifications. She's really excited about my goal I have set for myself and I'm pretty sure she's been praying for me too. She also asked me today, if Holly and I would be willing to be greeters on Sunday mornings at church. That is a bit outside my comfort zone as there is so many people I don't know and I get so shy around "strangers"... but I'm willing to give it a try..but gotta do it after the holidays as my working retail is going to make it hard for me to be at church every Sunday morning.

I really am thinking that things are going to start looking up for me! GO ME!!!!!

So far for today...

My Body Blessings:

B: Cottage Cheese, Apple, Iced Tea

L: 2 Chili Cheese Dogs, Mac N Cheese

D: 3 sm. Chicken tenders (chicken Parmesan), spaghetti squash with homemade marinara, 2 slices Texas Cheese Toast.

S: Ice cream

Today"s Work Out:

Curve's Kickbutt Cardio, 30 ,minutes plus stretching

Friends For Fitness Aerobic Class, 1 hour plus cool down and stretching

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 3... and counting!

Got up EARLY this morning, reset alarm but still got up dressed and went to Curves. Was there at 6:30 am. Very good group of people there. A couple, very energetic which will be motivating for me. I've not yet picked it up a notch on the cardio/recovery stations as I normally would as I want to get used to the machines again first, and make sure I know the new one's to me.

Today was a different Coach working, she didn't watch me like a hawk as the other girls did...LOL. She did say she had talked to the others about me... The one today did tell me to just let them know and they will get me signed up through the computer to "Go Green". Soon... soon. Hopefully I can do that next week. Just want to get myself back in the swing of things before I have to start paying attention to the machine and if I am keeping a solid green light.

Good group of ladies though, and they all encouraged me to go tomorrow morning and meet them at 6:30 for the Kick Butt Cardio workout. Something new to Curves since I was a member before I guess. Though, the Curves I was at before, the Coaches never worked out with us, encouraged us much, or anything. They were usually at the desk doing paperwork, talking on the phone or what not. Not here! Love that these girls encourage you. Cindy especially!

So, my plan for tomorrow... it's going to be a busy day. 6:30 Kick Butt Cardio at Curves... if I can handle another workout, I want to do the 10:00 Friends for Fitness workout at church and prayer meeting afterward. Holly has a couple of appointments tomorrow as well. Getting her hair cut and dentist appointment. Going to be a busy day!

Body Blessings:

B: Grab & Go Cottage Crunch, iced tea
L: McDonald's Crispy Chicken Club Sandwich (left part of bun), about 1/3 of a small size fry, Iced Tea
D: Wendy's Apple Pecan Salad with Pomegranate Vignette Dressing, minus blue cheese... small Chili. Iced Tea

Snack: Twizzlers (they were out of my trail mix!), ice cream (larger serving than I should have had!). Diet Pepsi

Today's Workout:

Curves, 30 minutes + stretching/cool down
3 sets of 50 crunches on Stability Ball

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Friends for Fitness...

Something I had been thinking about doing over the past couple of months...or whenever I discovered it in the church bulletin, was to check out the Friends For Fitness class on Tuesday and Thursdays at church. I even got dressed to go one morning a few weeks ago, then talked myself out of going, because I wouldn't know anyone there... or they might all be older than me, or it might be to hard (I'm not very coordinated when it comes to aerobics), whatever excuse I could find.

Well, after my initial workout at Curves yesterday, I was really anticipating going again this morning to do a cardio workout there on the recovery boards and less emphasis on the machines. Checked out videos on last night so that I could incorporate some cardio moves as I am not sure what the hours of the cardio classes are at Curves...

Well, I got up this morning and remembered, when we had our Missions Benefit the other night, I was introduced to Mrs. Vermeulen. I recognized her from when I was a regular member of the church before getting married. I was told that she was the one that leads the aerobic class at church, so this morning I decided to give it a shot.

I wasn't really sure what I was getting myself into...but figured it would be like any other aerobic class I had done. Hard for me to stay coordinated with! But it wasn't. I liked the way the class is conducted. We started out with a few laps around the gym to warm up, then we did a few stretches then did some aerobics. After a few minutes of aerobic exercise, we did a few more laps around the gym, grabbed a step and did step aerobics for a bit. I was a bit more uncoordinated with that, but I love step aerobics and the routine was not so long and complicated, that I was all that uncoordinated. After a bit of step aerobics we did a few more laps around the gym, then grabbed hand weights and did some strength training, then back to either walking or which I chose to step. Then it was time for cool down, a walk around the gym and some stretches.

I think I will continue to join in with the ladies at church when I'm not working. It was fun. Mostly older women from the community. Not even from our church. After the aerobics class we had about a half hour of prayer meeting with those that wished to stay. I decided to stay as I know that getting involved more with the church is something I really want and really need to do. I need the support of my church family during this time in my life. And I truly want to get back what I had before getting married as far as my relationship with God goes. I need to break out of my shell and quit being so shy about stepping up and volunteering to help at church. There is so much that I can do to help...

Today's Body Blessing:

B: Banana, popcorn, banana/pumpkin bread, iced tea

L: Ham & Cheese sandwich. (I tried the "new" Pepperidge Farms Deli Flats Rolls. Not bad at all.) 1 medium tomato, small bowl of green grapes, Iced Tea

S: Banana/Pumpkin Bread

D: 2 chili dogs, mac n cheese, salad with raspberry vignette dressing and grapes.

Today's Fitness:

Friends for Fitness aerobic workout -- 1 hr
Sparkpeople 10-minute Jump Start Cardio Workout -- 10 minutes
3 sets of 50 crunches on fitness ball

Monday, November 8, 2010

My First Day Back...

Well, today was my first day back to Curves. It's just like I remember it... sorta. This Curves sticks to the Curves Program... to the T. No bending the rules allowed. Which, in a way kinda sucks, because some of the machines can be used in more than one way to target different muscle groups, but because Curves only approves one way of using them, I can't target other muscle groups by altering the way I use it. There is only two machines really that I like to alter, but I guess I will just have to find my weights, jump ropes, yoga bands, etc. to make my workouts stronger for me.

Another things on the downside... with the new Curves Smart Equipment, I am limited to just 2 trips around the circuit... or 30 minutes per session. I like to work them hard, but do 45 minutes, then do my cool down and strength training.

But, on the plus side of things, we are now able to work out everyday if we want. The Curves Smart Equipment logs our workouts and if we workout to full capacity one day, it automatically knows and will only allow you to work out at 80% the second (consecutive) day. So, on the second day, I can still workout, the machines won't allow me full capacity, but I can work the recovery boards hard to get cardio in. I LOVE that idea. I love the cardio. I just gotta find fun ways to incorporate it into my workout. I used to just do 3-4 different steps, moves, etc... but I think I will try incorporating other stuff in too. I should check out the video's on Sparkpeople for ideas...

I've been buying healthy food options again. Eating a lot more fresh fruits and veggies. It's been a, this past couple of weeks I've done way better. Bought more yummy healthy foods today.

I also bought a new Diet Journal to track my meals, workouts, etc. I had actually bought it for someone else, but they didn't want I will use it myself. I like my old one better, but that's in storage so I will make this one work for me.

Well, off to finish up my household chores. Another thing I want to get myself into a routine with. I need to get myself more active and not just sitting at the computer or TV all the time as I had been when Grandpa was home. Not a lot for me to do with the household chores, since Grandpa pays a housekeeper to come in...though, personally, I don't think she does as thorough job as she should considering what she is paid.

Today's Body Blessings:

Breakfast: 1 Egg, 1 English Muffin, 1 slice Colby Jack Cheese, mayo, grapes

Lunch: Apple

Snack: Wesco Popcorn... more than I should have eaten!

Dinner: Chicken Breast bbq'd, Salad, Raspberry Vignette dressing, 1/2 c Fried Rice, 1 slice Banana Pumpkin Bread

Today's Fitness:

Curves Workout... 1/2 hour + stretching, cool down.
3 sets of 50 crunches on Stability Ball
3 sets of 10 push-ups

Unsweetened Tea
Diet Pepsi (64-oz) WAY TOO MUCH. Need to work on cutting it back out again! Time to fill the water bottles!

Friday, November 5, 2010

I Could Use A Few Curves...

Ok, so I don't really need anymore Curves... but what I DO need is to get back into my fitness routine I used to have. So, today I made the decision after serious consideration, that I was going to drop my monthly Chiropractic visits, which was costing me $43.00 a Month which consisted of about 5 minutes in and out of the office in exchange for a Curves Membership which is cheaper and I get to go 3-4 times a week!

I joined Curves about 4 years ago with great success. I lost 30 lbs, taking me to 3 lbs below my goal weight of 140 lbs... or a size 4/6. I have been fairly successful at maintaining my goal weight, however it has fluctuated between 5-15 lbs off and on since hitting goal and loosing the motivation to work out. Mostly within 5 lbs of my goal weight though.

What I missed most was my full night sleep, regularity in my digestive system, no aching muscles, joints, or bones, & the muscle tone ( I absolutely felt way more sexy when I had buns of steal and a butt of steal, and toned muscular arms and shoulders, which is BIG for me, as I have ALWAYS been self conscious about myself and never liked how I looked). My self confidence skyrocketed! I need to get that back... all of it.

In this new chapter of my life, with going through a divorce, this will help me get in step with my goals I have set for myself. I want to become a personal trainer. I loved learning how to become healthy. I did it on my own, via reading anything and everything I could get my hands on. I blogged my journey, I read articles online, magazines, and bought books. I took my journey to hart and now I want to share that with others.

So, today is the start of a new chapter... or is that a reread of an old chapter? Either way, I'm ready to make this commitment. AND, my daughter may want to join with me. She has asked that if I joined, she would like to start working out too...though, she may want to join the fitness center at her high school where they have treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, etc... and work out with her friends. Either way, it's just an additional $10.00 a month for her.

I forgot to get copies of my measurements when I filled out the paperwork will have to update them after my "training" class on Monday with my Personal Coach. There is only two machines that are different than what I have used before, but I did use them when I visited 3-1/2 years shouldn't be a big deal. And of course, Curves went Green since I last went, so will have to learn about the Green Card... ;)

This much I do remember... according to the charts, I only need to loose between 3-8 lbs to be at my goal weight. 8 to reach the goal I would really like to see, but 3 at the goal where I am happy with... or my Happy Weight as they call it. 135 is the lower end of my healthy weight, 140 is the median or so. And 140 seems to be the spot I am able to maintain best...

My "problem areas" seem to be my thighs to which I would like to loose 3 inches on each... and my abdomen where I need to loose 2 inches. Basically, my goal is to regain my muscle tone and firm up. I'm happy with my weight, really... it's just the mental well being, and the physical aspects of it that I miss. I want my self confidence, my energy, my restful nights, etc. all back.